Not content with making his mark on the Medal Of Honor franchise, Hollywood legend Mr. Seveven Speilberg has signed a deal with Electronic Arts (EA) to work on three original video games. He will be the exec producer on the LA-based projects, the first of which is already in progress and has been described as "a next generation game with mass appeal".
He says, "Having watched the game industry grow from a niche into a major creative force in entertainment, I have a great deal of respect for EA's understanding of the interactive format."
The games will appear on the next generation consoles which will be released by Sony and Microsoft to replace their PlayStation 2 and Xbox machines. Neil Young, the head of EA's LA studio, says, "No one is more at the centre of understanding gameplay and great storytelling than Steven Spielberg. Being able to draw from Steven Spielberg's experience in crafting incredible stories and combine that with our view of interactivity means you will have richer fiction, deeper characters and better sense of immersion."
The Dig.
('nuff said.)
I want to play an ewok-executing 1st person gorefest. Kill enough of the lil buggers and you access the Gungan Stomp™ level. I know its not really Spielbergs property, but what they hell ... frying ewoks/gungans with Force Lightning would be awesome. Hurling the out of windows unlimited powerrrr!!
The Dig was a mishandled game from an idea from Speilberg. This time hes more of a producer like for MOH!
Can't see Lucas allowing that somehow, Sith Apologist, but it may be a good idea for a mod for Star Wars: Battlefront II out in November!
I think we can all agree that the ultimate Starwars 'puter game would be to play as Vader hunting down and executing Jedi scum. You know you want to.
You mean Colonel Vader executing harmless female pedestrians and old-age Jack Straw hecklers for violating "anti-terror" laws?
We'll to be fair, if you want to stay true to the characters, having an army of Jedi hunting down and destroying Vader would ruin the basis for my religion.
I've alway preferred the expanded universe setting where the Jedi are more plentiful and there's a new Sith wannabe like Jerec or whomever that needs to be taken out and good triumphs over evil.
good triumphs over evil.
Now, Now, Colonel, you should know better, the struggle you wage is Law vs. Chaos. You strive to bring Order where there is none. A new age of Peace and Prosperity. All from the barrel of a gun. Got any problems with that?, "Click"
Strict enforcing of the law ...
Excellent, Colonel, I'm sure you will be well rewarded in the New Order
Can you imagine the proud day when he disbands the Senate and invests power into the hands of his regional governers.
Okey, what is not happining is me or any other of my ilk taking control over a civilised society.
I will however support any democratically elected looney-tune who want's to take over civilised society.
Now if people have to die, so that objective is achieved, then so be it.
The people who cast the votes do not decide an election, the people who count the votes do
In light of this quote from Komrad Stalin, do you still stand by any "democratically elected looney-tune" who asks for your aid in quelling the restless masses?
That was his way of denouncing democracy, naturally he was opposed to that and would make up crap like that to further support his own ideals.
So would you have supported him?
Josef, seeing as he was "legitimately" the leader of the Soviet Union as the person chosen by the Communist party?
Do you mean if I was a Ruskie in the 1920's and I didn't have any concept of the fact that I could have had a choice of leader?
I was thinking more of if you were a ruskie in the 30's/40's - as a Colonel, would you have enforced his law/individual whims?
what is not happining is me or any other of my ilk taking control over a civilised society
That really does depend on your definition of a civilised society.
I can't help but notice the absence of a reply, however!
As stated weeks ago, all necessary replies will appear in due course.
Yes I would under those far-fetched circumstances.
A civilised society's military should not leave it men behind. The Colonel is no longer fit to be in a civilised society.
The Colonel is not the product of a civilised society.
Grus Gott, Mein Herr, Can you imagine the ruin he shall wreck when he grows disillusioned with the marines, think Gerneral Hummel in the Rock.
Yes, he'll be able to join up with "rogue elements" from the marines, and hold an entire city hostage with his whizzinator
Just a city?, thats thinking small, He could liberate some VX gas rockets and seize the entire west coast. Imagine what he could do with the nulcaer deterent.
The death of B.Gen Francis X. Hummel USMC is still felt in the Corps today. We lost a great man who died for what he believed was right. It was never his intention to harm anyone. When deaf ears fall on a man who earns the Medal Of Honor then what hope do I have of getting them to listen to me when I ask for my own Osprey?
Where would you go with your 23 men if you did get an Osprey, one wonders?
Maybe to "borrow" some WMD and hold the east coast to ransom?
Osprey's are a disaster of an aircraft, you know that the Commander in charge of the project actually faked the results of safety tests to get the project back on schedule.
Wait a minute, Creedon!, explain your involvement!
During the investigation into Lt.Col.Odin F.Leberman's instructions to his staff, it came out that I (as a friend) had said to him that "the V-22 project needed all the help it could get, from whatever source necessary".
This was however not found by Lt. Gen Raymond Ayres to be an order, in any way, given to Lt.Col.Leberman.
I guess that means you owe Lt. Gen Raymond Ayres a favour, to be cashed in at some later date? :)
Or is it the other way round, and that was him paying you off for a past favour? Or favor, as he is American.
Either way the Osprey is a folly of a project, combined the worst performace features of a chopter and a plane, by that I mean the unfortunate tendency to fall out of the sky and kill everyone on board.
Not anymore. It loooks like me and my men will be enjoying the 'luxury' of the V-22 in the not so distant future.
Anyway, there's nothing like the threat of death to keep you on your toes.
Think of how the Osprey's 'success' at flight will convince those last minute jitters of the kids we usually have to push off the ramp during parachute training. Muahahaha!
And how many of those kids you were meant to be training suffered horrific injuries? How many were crippled by your Osprey ego?
Only a few, but there was no deaths. It didn't kill them. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.".
Yes ... a major heart attack, quadruple amputation, donating a kidney and a lung - the Colonel Creedon road to making oneself stronger?
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