Tuesday, October 25, 2005

2IGTV Episode 7

The latest episode of 2IGTV is now online here. We recorded a special ultra-long bumper edition of the show on Sunday evening as circumstances prevented us from recording one within our projected 10-12 day timeframe. There's too much content to go into here, you should know the kind of podcasting gold you get now anyway...


Anonymous said...

Yes, its length was magnificent. Whilst the overall trend was to longer 2IGTV podcasts, this one set a new standard in length. Of course, this can in no way be interpreted as an excuse to make us wait more than the expected 10-12 days for 2IGTV-8.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Anyone have anything to say on the subject of Video Podcasts?

Anonymous said...

Not 100% convinced you and Mark are that photogenic. Would you be in Colonel attire?

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Well obviously I AM photogenic. I'm in a WWI short-film, there was Star Trek: Time Rogue and christ, even other people are using my picture on their blogs! But I understand what you're saying about Mark, he'd be nervous but as you correctly surmised, I'd probably be in various USMC attire- and I'll look so cool, no one will actually notice him, so he'll probably be a bit more at ease then.

Anonymous said...

WWI: weren't you screaming like a girl and covered in blood? Photogenic? lol
Time Rogue: well, what can I say about that 'masterpiece' ... there was no way yuou weren't going to be in it seeing as you produced it?!
Don't forget, if you do a videocast, we'll actually be able to see the legendary "Jack Daniels swirling" in action

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

It's not the fact that I'm in them is in question, it the fact that I'm so brilliant on screen. I didn't mention my countless appearences in videos created for the Star Trek club, on the Special Edition VCD of Boogieman or the fact that 'the big V' spent most of out holiday in NYC last year photographing me!!! (Which I'll admit is a little wierd!)

Darn right, plenty of Jack will be consumed on screen- I just hope there won't be too many takes of the first scene, negating any ability to argue with Mark for the last scene :)

Anonymous said...

Yes... whereas I was the one who was internationally acclaimed :-)