Friday, October 28, 2005

Mr. Sulu comes out

It has emerged officially today that George Takei the 68 year old actor best known as Lt. Sulu in the original Star Trek TV series (and later Captain Sulu in the Star Trek movies) is a homosexual.

I can't say I was shocked to read this to be quite honest. I recall going all the way up to Dublin about 13 years ago now to a big Star Trek convention there and I met the man in person and I'll admit, I've never met a nicer more courteous bloke. He must have signed something in the region of 1000 autographs in the couple of days he was there and he still had time to sign my USS Excelsior blueprints.

I can only hope that Howard Stern (the US version of Cubaboy) isn't too unkind as he regularly just calls Takei on his car phone just to listen to his cool and mellow voice.


Anonymous said...

Never met him personally, but am as curious to see cubaboy's reaction as everyone else

Unknown said...

All I can say is "Go back in the closet Mr Sulu". In an era where "coming out" is used to ressurect a fading acting career not even one of my childhood heros coming out can shock me. One is reminded of Troy McClure dating Selma Bouvier in a vain attempt to get back on the silver screen. I would much prefer if Mr Sulu just faded into obscurity at warp five......make it so Mister!!!!!