Thursday, October 20, 2005

Fun from China!

I've only ever had the pleasure of befriending one Chineese national in my entire life, thus far. This however has only cemented my official conclusion that "they're a funny bunch all the same".


Anonymous said...

I know several - most foreign people I currently know are from china. They try hard to be friendly, and make a much better attempt at integrating than most other folks. And my friend from Hong Kong ... well, she makes great tea...

Anonymous said...

Also ... the chinese folks I know would probably not be into doing that sort of shit on cam!

Anonymous said...

I would like to be the first to welcome our new chinese imperial masters to Ireland and that my home ,at least, is a full of loyal rice eatin subjects and I'd will of course draft a list of those who I suspect of being trators to the new vision.We can start with some of the flaming liberals around here for starters I'd say..

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

You're jumping the gun Corporal, while I applaud a shoot first ask questions later mentality; in this instance it's somewhat premature. The Chineese are communists and we both have taken an oath to defend the free world against their type of opression.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thats true the world should really only be ground down under the boot heel of our western opression, you know, I suspect for the common joe at the very bottom of the pile, conditions vary very little between communist and democractic systems. In short, Colonel, your miss guided oath is a promise to protect rich crackers not truth or demoracy. ;)

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Maybe so but if I fuck up, I'll be drummed out of the Marines and be able to make my living on talk shows, writing novels and magazine articles and running for political office like Ollie! If I was the Chineese equivalent, I'd be buried in an unmarked grave after something unspeakable was done to me either alive or dead.

Anonymous said...

Will you plead the right not to incriminate the President like Ollie?

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Now yes. Ask me again after I'm retired though.