Friday, November 22, 2013


In the central foyer of SPEARHEAD Headquarters, Mount Olympus, Greece, a marble engraving carries the words:

"The supreme reality of our time is the vulnerability of our planet." 

The quote is attributed to the 35th POTUS, John F. Kennedy who was tragically assassinated 50 years ago this day.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Happy 238th Birthday USMC

"America keeps an insurance poilicy... it's called The United States Marine Corps"

Source: USMC/Youtube

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Indians in space!

India's Mars Orbiter Mission took off at 09:08 GMT from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre this morning. It is the Indian Space Research Organisation's aim to be the fourth such body to reach Mars and to demonstrate the technological capability to reach the Red Planet and carry out experiments.

Prof Andrew Coates of Mullard Space Science Laboratory in the UK said that the ISRO has found some interesting scientific niches to take some measurements in. These include searching for the signature of methane in the Martian atmosphere, previously detected from orbit and from telescopes on Earth but not by the Curiosity rover. Due to methane's short lifetime in Martian atmosphere, it is concluded that something must replenish it. As 95% of atmospheric methane on Earth is produced by microbes, the possibility of a biosphere deep beneath the Martian surface is theorised.

The recently appointed SPEARHEAD Assistant Commander for Intelligence and Information, Brigadier General "Whopper" Creedon warned against nations putting too much hope in these potentially dangerous probe missions to other planets, that is - unless SPEARHEAD is given full access to the project. He alluded to an event almost two years ago to the day when China's Yinghuo-1 spacecraft was piggybacked on the Russian Phobos Grunt spacecraft, which became stranded in low-Earth orbit shortly after launch in November 2011. "Yeah", he chuckled "it became stranded" he said sarcastically.

India approved $72m project in 2012 despite the country having one of the highest rankings for childhood malnutrition in the world. The spacecraft is set to travel for some 300 days to reach Mars orbit in 2014.

Source: BBC News

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Whopper promoted!

On November 2nd, at a private ceremony near SPEARHEAD Regional Headquarters - Europe, Colonel "Whopper" Creedon's family and friends finally pinned brigadier general's stars onto his already impressively decorated dress uniform.

Mr. V, Senior Adviser with Shadow Directorate and Mrs. Creedon, the Colonel's mother promote Colonel "Whopper" Creedon to the grade of brigadier general in accordance with Marine Corps tradition.

The newly minted Brigadier General "Whopper" Creedon reaffirmed his oath, swearing on a copy of the teachings of Lucas.

Brig. Gen. Creedon was also presented with the Defense Superior Service Medal for "superior meritorious service in a position of significant responsibility", namely as the Director of Intelligence for UNETIDA.

Creedon's initial flag assignment will be as the first SPEARHEAD Assistant Commander for Intelligence and Information. The new SPEARHEAD Director of Intelligence and the Director of Information will both report directly to him.

Photos: L. Kerins Vaughan