Spare a thought for the poor bastards who have to build
this on Christmas morning for their kids (and a thought for their wallet as the thing costs about €400) it has an estimated build time of 7.5 hours for a Lego Expert "Master Builder" -a grade bestowed on me by the Lego club in 1988, but you apparently have to be 16 to construct this- from the looks of it (and last year's Star Destroyer) I'd believe it!!!
Wow, its magnificent :) I must have 2, funds permitting!
It looks like the thing is like a 50cm sphere - I can only imagine how many stages the construction takes!
I wonder if they'll also release an 'original' series Death Star (as in SW:ANH), with full hull plating!
"Lego Master" and "Colnel", are there any titles you have bestowed upon yourself?? What institution will you next besmerch by claiming to be a high ranking memeber of Colnel Creedon? Or should that be Archbishop Creedon??? Or dare I suggest "Rear Admiral" Creedon??
Heh heh heh.
For more off sintiment thougths log onto cubaboy123.blogspot.com
looks like that last post seems to have slipped past the old grammar and spell check, eh steve?
No! Steve always spells Colonel that way, it's his shtick.
I was actually made a Lego Master builder by the International Lego club in the mid-late 80's, I have a card, a certificate and a die-cast metal "Lego master" badge from the organisation to prove it which I'll be only glad to show you at any time during lunch break if you so desire? My Starfleet ranks from Lt.Commander all the way through the spectrum to Fleet Admiral (yes, including the wonderfully hilarious Rear-Admiral) were bestowed upon me by my peers and superiors at the Cork Science Fiction Society between 1991 and 1997. Colonel is a "term of endearment" as opposed to an actual rank given to me by friends in the west of the country in recognition of my militaristic demeanour and staunch right-wing authoritarianism.
Actually the only 'title' I've ever bestowed on myself was "13th Grand Mage of the court of Lim-Dul" during my Magic: The Gathering days in college, but I won't go into that here... a story for another day.
Forget the damn imaginary ranks, honours and quite frankly, made up 3rd level qualifications from Carlow IT that the Colonel votes himself. Forget effected pigeon english of the Hole Blogger. Focus instead on the shiny news that SIMON PEGG of "Shaun of the Dead and "Spaced" fame has been cast in MI3! Get Some!
Leaving aside the grammatical genocide of the English language, I'd like to raise some health and safety concerns with this Death Star model. Namely those damn pesky rebels, I mean just imagine the number of houses that will be destroyed as fecking rogue squadron swoop in and knock several shades of shite out off all the half completed Death Stars come Christmas morning, for that matter is it responsible to give a kid a fully operational battle station, I know it says 16+ on the box but I know I was a punk at 16, what..., what do you mean its not to scale?, it's a feckin' toy!, I've gone right off the idea now.
I'm liking the idea more by the minute - I mean, if the plans are accurate ... think of the double-parked cars its super laser could destroy ... 16 year old "Master Builders" could become the saviours of cities across the world!
Sometimes it's just fascinating to sit here and watch and see where people take threads of news.
Sith Apologist: Although it pains me to read the spelling and grammar of Mr. Blog my hole Creedon, I've come to realise that he's a Cambridge University English professor when compared with half the people writing on the net these days, so I beseech you that we must as tolerable of his grammar as we would be as if he was French... (well maybe not that tolerant). To this end I’ve invoked my censorship rights and deleted posts from here I believe are unnecessary.
Civilian Overseer: Yes do see AICN too, so I did receive that information this morning, but was not at liberty to post it at the time, I will do so as soon as I’m able, as I will with all news I deem necessary to highlight.
I’m still embittered that there was no Star Wars Lego when I was a kid, this embitterment could leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering…
...suffering leads to you buying lots and lots of lego?
Naw, folk look at you stupidly when you get the action figures at my age. The lego would be just too much :(
Thats why we have kids!, so that we can finally buy all the toys that we were denied by Santa when we where young. Step 1.)Buy the Starwars Lego, Step 2.) Set all the clocks in the house back by two hours to fool the kids. Step 3.) Send all the kids to bed early. Step 4.) Play with the toys!
BTW, Kudos to you Herr Colonel for the supression of the Anti- Creedonist agenda, Down with that sort of thing!
I wonder if I could pass off lego products intended for 16 y/o's as presents for my niece and nephew? hmmm... damn them for only being 1 and 2!
I believe the Colonel is also only a Colonel as thats the highest rank that'll actually to get to experience "battle" in the flesh?
HA HA HA HA, "13th Grand Mage of the court of Lim-Dul", with a fear of MOSS MONSTERS.
A 3/6 creature with 2 Green + 3 Any mana summoning? Who wouldn't be afraid :-)
it cut my title short :(
Arctron the Wise,
Grand Mage,
Illustrious Spellcaster,
Raconteur Extrordinaire
What? Who are you and how do you know my worst fear? Reveal yourself coward!
Moss monsters! Bane of my Magical existance! There was too many of them! Rogers and Long collected them just because I hated them. Bastards!
Bane of your mystical existence? Aye, that and magical ring stealing dragons ...
It appears the iron fist of the Colonel takes a while to descend! In the meantime, I'll content myself by quietly whispering "Shadow Dragon"
Hey, how about that weather today? Pretty damp for an October, eh? lol
Mr. Anonymous, I find your lack of faith... disturbing..
Wow, it appears the Iron Fist Of The Whopper has descended here too :)
Having loked at the Death Star and the Imperial Star Destroyer, I have to say the ISD looks more impressive. Of course, if their scale were relative to each other ... (making the Death Star about 600 metres across hehe)
Fuck you and your stupid fucking censoring shit. I'll be fucked seven ways to Sunday if I'm ever going to waste my fucking time posting on this piece of shit blog ever again if all your going to do is delete them. And don't bother posting on my blog either fuckface, I'll only delete them.
Now who's an angry soldier then....
of course if the 'Whopper' deletes his thread mine will make no sense
Okey Swagman, I'll leave this here then, sigh!
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