I can say however that I've continued to represent myself at the trial but I've retained Lt. Col. Mark Biggs as associate counsel. I've also requested a trial by Military Judge alone in the form of Col. Jack Ross and so there will be no jury. I figure a jury can be intimidated, bought or corrupted but a Marine Colonel cannot be, right?
The two-and-a-half hour session took a lot out of me so I'll keep this brief and sign off now.
No more "Teflon Colonel" for this man.
Don't let them trap you like they did Jessop, Colonel.
I'd like to see the Colonel go down like Jessep. The Colonel sure has a short fuse especially when accused of something he didn't (or believes he didn't) do if you push him he will snap.
I see the picture is of the back of your head Colonel, a view that many a prison shower rapist will enjoy in the years to come no doubt!!!!
Is the Colonel to be tried in a court of "Justice" or "Revenge"?, I think that you'll all agree when I say that the second option is far more entertaining, Justice may be blind but Vengence has a sniper scope.
I'm sure that the Colonel is a man of the hightst charachter and would not intentionally bring his title into disrepute, he might be extreme in his opinions and attitude but shurely he cannot be held responsible or victimised for his religion? surely that is tantamount to discrimination? He needs to cross over from the dark side again, yes, i'm sure i read somewhere that it has happened in the past? Now where was that??? i can't remember, must check the Jedi Archives.
Civilian Overseer- I agree, but in this case is it not more fitting that the Colonel's own rules be used to throttle him only in this case is is not more fitting that the rules and regulations of the institutions that he holds so dear will be his final undoing?
Of course in the unlikely event he goes scot free there's always the path of revenge and retribution. But let me have a go first :)
C3po- So far as I am aware, Colonel's religion is not a factor in the proceedings. Is there something I should know. He's not going to play some "religious card" or other bullshit, is he?
No I'd never stoop to that level. My Jedi religion has not and will not play a part in the proceedings. Anyway The US Naval judiciary system is not allowed to discriminate on the basis of gender, race or creed; only sexual orientation is still a no no in the armed forces anymore- not like the good ol' days. Now there's Female Muslim servicewomen with skin as black as night and that's perfectly normal, but hellshit if they have even a suspeicion of lesbian tendencies!
Capt. Rabb, the Colonel has just tipped his hand, he intends to play the bleeding heart liberal card and claim the marine corp is discriminating against him because of his sexual preferences. Of all the low down dirty tricks.
I fail to see how the Colonels taste for small rodents is pertinent to the case in hand :)
No that's Richard Gere.
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