Veterans Day today in the United States. If you're there, stop and take the time to salute the Marines, Sailors, Airmen and Soldiers of the Armed Forces. The veterans who have fought for freedom in the past and those fighting now. They don't hear it enough so thank them for their service.
In some other parts of the world, it is
Remembrance Day, where we commemorate all those who have died in both World Wars and all subsequent conflicts, their sacrifice must not, will not be forgotten.
Don't forget to include all those left behind...
Yes, lets all celebrate imperilaistic war mongers and the devistation they have reaked throughout the world.....Huzzah!!
Yes cutaboy the "Imperialistic war mongers" that guarantee your right to make an idiot of yourself. At a guess I'd say you never served so please do us all a favour and stfu.
Paladinsword ... I get the funny feeling the Colonel is going to like your name :)
Whilst I agree with your sentiments towards cubaboys opinion, I think you'd be wasting your breath expecting him to say otherwise.
Although cubaboy's opinions hardly come as a suprise, I think he could have picked a more tactful time to express then.
(can't believe I used 'cubaboy' and 'tact' in the same sentence - do I get an award for that?)
Yes indeed I like the name, but is it Paladin's Word or Paladin Sword? I guess it matters little really. Based on that handle, we can expect nobility, truth, loyalty, honor, justice, integrity and truthfulness from this user just a people expect those values from me.
"Yes cutaboy the "Imperialistic war mongers" that guarantee your right to make an idiot of yourself. " - well to the best of my knowledge the Americans never had to help the Irish win a war, unlike our English cousins. And no I've never had to serve in the armed forces, of any nation, but then again nobody else on this site ever has either to shove your self congratulatory nonsense up your hole.
"well to the best of my knowledge the Americans never had to help the Irish win a war"
What has that got to do with this post?
And just for the sake of argument what do you think would have happened if the US had not been drawn into World War 2? England would have been occupied by Germany. Do you really think Hitler would not have invaded Ireland?
"And no I've never had to serve in the armed forces"
So paladin was right :)
"but then again nobody else on this site ever has either"
Think again.....
One doesn't have to serve to respect those who did, and those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Let's elevate the discourse just a little.
So am I correct in assuming you're honoring ALL the people who died in wars??? Does that include the people executed at Nuremburg?? They fought the war they thought was right. Are we honoring Pol Pot's Khymer Rouge???? Where do we draw the line for people to honor??
I'd reckon that the Colonel is the one who'll draw the lines: Anyone that perished in service to, or follows the flags of freedom, liberty and democracy will be honoured. Red commies, those subservient to facist dictators and people who simply go agains the ideals supported by the Colonel will not be.
Hey Grunt! You been reading my diary again :)
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