One sign of the apocolypse in the day is frightening but I've seen two today.

1. My friend and 2IGTV co-host
Mark has bought a radio-controlled
Dalek. If you have'nt figured out from listening to him, Mark does not under any circumstances buy someing that serves no useful purpose. He own's nothing that does not perform a specific function which benefits the operation of his life. He owns no works of art, ornaments, religious iconry or childhood treasures. But when he saw a radio controlled Dalek the other day he just
had to go and buy it. Apperently it was so bereft of reason or point to buy- that in itself-
was a reason!

Cubaboy has written non-filth infested,
worthwhile observation on the most recent waste of Hollywood money "War Of The Worlds", and... and... Christ- I agree with every word he says!!!
I'd also go as far as saying that I doubt anyone (even Speilberg) could sue him for this
peice either!
Actually I take offense, Creedon i know you didn't like the film but as for Cubaboy I have a suggestion "READ THE BLOODY BOOK!" see if he read the original story than he would know that Spielbergs film is in the spirit of the orignal novel and as for the tacked on "happy ending ", the one where a humanity on its knees is spared just because the aliens miscaculate about the common cold ITS IN THE BLOODY BOOK! Even a 100 years later it is a damn more realistic than an entire alien fleet having an apple compatiable system, I don't know creedon first this Cubaboy attacks Daredevil and now this..........
At the threat of ruining my first ever non filth strewn piece of journalism let me say you can shove that book up your hole. If I wanted to read a book I would go to a library, if I want to see a shit film I will watch War Of The Worlds. Theres no doubt that books are invariably better than the film that follows them but if the book doesn't look good on screen you adapt the work so it does look good. And then ending is taked on, if the book ends like that then its tacked on in the book also. Just because some clown fooled a load of people by claiming something was happening that actually wasn't does make it classical work. By that standard we'd be calling 96fm wind ups classical works in fifty years time.
Ok so your calling HG WELLS the creator of War of The Worlds, the Invisible Man , The Time Machine , The Shape of things to come , the Island of Doctor Moreau , the man responsible for the foundation upon EVERY SINGLE BLOODY SCI FI Premise for the last ONE HUNDRED YEARS SOME CLOWN! I won't say anything merely let you think upon the foolishness of your words.....
ok something went wrong there please correct with the words "sci-fi premise is based"it was probably my anger at HG WELLS being called some clown
Fuck me! This is bad. I find myself agreeing with Cubaboy. You said yourself Vaughan- WOW:The Movie is a faithful representation of WOW: The Book then the book is boring crap!
I can forgive Cubaboy for not liking the theatre cut of Daredevil, expecially after watching the Directors Cut. I don't think I could ever watch it again. Getting Cubaboy to watch the DC of Daredevil would be like asking you to watch my DC of Elektra.
Cubaboy raises an interesting point however: In the hundreds of people from all over the world who have found this blog- how many of them think I'm real?
The plot was most similar to the book, and whilst good for the time, was a little in need of some revision. Bacteria were only newly discovered then and thus made sense to the readers of the day. However, we now unfortunately take it as given that any species that comes here (or we visit) and doesn't wear some sort of hazard suit is asking for trouble. This spoils a lot of the premise of the film. Even if shhot from the perspective of a 19th century character, todays audience may find it hard to accept. Whilst the film itself is well made, I just think the plot is the flaw of the thing. Why did the aliens travel down to the tripods in the lightning? Why not have them there in their tripods as the original inhabitants of the planet, reawakened by the lightning, and ready to feast on the 'crop' that has grown in the sleep. The bacteria could still affect them, as a couple of thousand years of mutation would make them susceptible to modern strains, and be a little more plausible? Well, to me at least. Wibble.
I can accept sith apologists arguements as he is quite obviously a well rounded and intelligent person , yes the film has some flaws , I personally did not like the lightining arrival system but it still is a faithful adaptation of a story still a hundred years later a very scary read, however creedon I suggest you and Cubaboy both read the book before rubbishing the author (p.s even trek ripped him off) and the reason I will never watch Elektra the dc cut is because the original was such a pile of pants and before you argue this point may i point out to the members of the jury the sequence set in Canada on christmas eve, WHERES THE F#*88*G SNOW? or the fact that every Marvel character has been bastardized beyond recognition
Ladies and gentlemen may i present the Hand , before this film a deadly group of oriental assasins , after the film a deadly group of KILLER SMOKE PUFFS?
And on that other point what the hell do you mean your not real?does this mean your like Santa Clause! wait a minute does this mean you are Santa Clause? and if so where's Dudley Moore?
p.s the remote control dalek is cool
Real in what way? A real Colonel or a real person?
Eek if they're questioning the 2nd option.
Either lad, either!
But ... if you're not real ... who the hell did I used to work with? I'm scared and confused now.
Here take these pills, keep your head down and keep quiet.
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