NASA today revealed plans to land a space vessel on the planet Pluto. The planet is so far away from Earth not even the Hubble can spot details on its surface. The mission is planning for lift-off no earlier than January 17, 2006 from the Kennedy Space Centre.
Scientists hope to discover details of the planet's surface and atmospheres after launching aboard an Atlas V plane, the spaceship will cross the entire span of the solar system and reach Pluto in 2015. More on this in 10 years time then...
Why? Pluto is just a rock , if Nasa wants to spend billions on this plan then send the ship to Io or Europa, Most of them don't even consider Pluto to be a planet, its of no possible use to anyone unless the colonel plants a shitload of railguns on the surface and turns it into one big weapons platform for the coming alien invasion!(by the way those Sci FI writers who turn the moon or planets into weapons platforms , Do they ever think if the aliens are smart enough they'll wait until the planets on the other side of the sun before they attack or may even come from a different direction cause space is really really big.)
I think we should make a Dyson sphere, and then turn that into a weapons platform. That would kick ass.
I had a plan to have a squad of Marines accompany the mission, but the 10 years in isolation was an "unresolvable issue".
It's in all UNETIDA's invasion simulations that that moon-defence-1 will be in the correct lunar orbit to defend against attack, so it will obviously be so in reality.
So hubble can't see a planet/pebble in our own solar system but it can see galaxys once upon a time, far far away?
Pluto generates no light and so against the darkness of space it can't be seen. Galaxies by definition are made up of hundreds of stars like the sun and thus can be seen through the telescope.
So endeth the primary school science lesson.
yeah but again all they have to do is wait until the moon is in orbit on the other side of the planet and then they'll attack, strangely Col I think this plan of yours has some serious flaws!
oh and by the way sith apologist , if we did build a Dyson Sphere we wouldn't need to arm it ,I mean would you seriously attack a civilization capable of building that thing?
Most of the Colonel's plans have serious flaws. Most of them don't have asset retrevial senarios- He leaves his men behind!
Yes they would get attacked. I think any civilisation who'd build a Dyson Sphere insted of the Death Star deserves all they get. Kill the peace loving bastards!
Not me, I want to arm the bloody Dyson sphere!
Not sure how we'd move it though :-\
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