Sunday, December 04, 2005

Picard NOT boldly gone...

Patrick Stewart has said in a recent press conference promoting his new series Eleventh Hour that there have been "talks" with Paramount executives of his possible return to Star Trek. Stewart considers the talks "serious", but as he's contracted to the Royal Shakespeare Company for the next 16 months nothing will happen before then.

So I'll be back with more news of this in March 2007.


Anonymous said...

Ah yes I can see the storyline right now , Capt Picard and Co return to fight the ghost of a recently flogged dead horse

Anonymous said...

Either that or the ravages of age. Good old Granny Troi.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Is it my imagination or have the Next Generation cast aged more badly than the Original cast (deceased ones aside that is!)

Anonymous said...

More quickly, rather than badly.

Anonymous said...

I think even the deceased ones might look better than Rikers ass which is so big it actually takes up the entire screen for some scenes(please see Enterprise finale for some examples)

Anonymous said...

The scene where he got Worf to cover him was, frankly, disturbing.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...


Anonymous said...

As he went to leap into the tube I think. The way he lumbered across screen ...

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Worf wasn't in the ENTERPRISE finale. Are you referring to NEMESIS?

Anonymous said...

It shows how right I am that you can spot from my deliberately vague reference!

Anonymous said...

Patrick Stewart can't make a film now, he's too busy plugging Huddersfield University on TV :-\