Saturday, December 03, 2005

DOOM review

Movie reviews are not something I'm going to do a lot of, I prefer to discuss them with Mark during 2IGTV, but this is one I must do. I've barely have had enough time to recover from an extraordinary experience last night; I played one of my trademark PC games in a packed cinema with no need to reload, quicksave or get cramps which turn the palm of my hand into the shape of a Logitech wheel mouse.

Yes, DOOM opened here yesterday to a packed house, full of male video-game nerds who no doubt, like me, were at some point in their lives; Galactic Space Marines who travelled to Phobos, Deimos, the surface Mars and to Hell itself to kill demons in the most influential (now ripped off by everyone) game in western civilisation to date: DOOM.

I doubt a single one of them was disappointed. With only a few major changes to the story of the DOOM games, in which the Demons invade mars through a portal from Hell, in the movie they’re a product of the usual genetic research gone awry as in Resident Evil and propagate like Aliens. These changes accepted however, you're in for some treat. Fantastic set pieces, great use of automatic weaponry, many references to the game, a senseless amount of gore and violence and of course Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson make for one terrific movie.

See it today. That’s an order!

Colonel Creedon Rating: *****


Anonymous said...

And yet on the way home you admitted that it did not match the "masterpiece" that was resident evil and what really scares me is that I AGREED!

Anonymous said...

That would be the 'Milla' factor. I'd rather see her nude in a shower than The Rock anyday. Seeing as I don't want to see him like that.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Both, the best translations of games to movies so far. RE was superior however yes indeed, but DOOM was close.

Anonymous said...

Doom... resident evil, next u will be saying robocop was good....

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Damn well you know Robocop is my favourite movie of all time. Come back and make more movies Paul Verhoven, we miss you!!!

Anonymous said...

Some questions about DOOM. Did the Rock:
a) smash anyone through a table
b) peform any wrestling moves


Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Greetings Jack and welcome.

a) Not a table as I recall but I recall him throwing someone through a backlit perspect "Sci-Fi" wall.

b) I never watched his wrestling so I can't be sure if he used his 'special moves' he was wrestling at the end of with one of the other characters but he did more shooting than hand-to-hand in this flick.

Anonymous said...

Paul Verhoven oh ya sure... more movies... more showgirls... NOT

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Every great director has somthing he shouldn't be proud of, why should Paul be any different.