Proving their true nature as ignorant savages; their captain, the commanding officer of the company headbutted one of the poor Italians sending him flying. What an animal!, and a disgraceful way of ending a career. I'd spit at him and his teammates except I'm an officer and a gentleman, far removed from those people.
Mama Mia! Well done Italy!
Hmm don't like the french (nothing to do with cocky keane i hope) any way check out this link it pretty much sums it up for me!
Good find mate! Always good to know that everyone 'loves' the French!
I thought it ironic that the french were able to put aside his vicious headbutt with the comment "well it must have been something bad to make him respond like that". Don't know about you guys, but from being a child I was taught not to respond to taunts in that manner?
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