Never before have so many capital 'T's been used in a headline, but now you can all sit back and watch the most anticipated trailer in history. Not because it's a
Mike Bay film, it's because everyone reading this has played with the Robots in Disguise at some point since 1984, or at least has seen the cartoon series. Only if living in a cave like
Bin Laden is now, could you have avoided the cultural phenomenon that the war between the heroic Autobots or evil Decepticons has been responsible for.

See the
Transformers trailer now at
Tag your links you lazy bastard.
I'm with General Patton on this one, I'm lazy but more importantly smart. I got you to do the menial task whilst I worked on the more important stuff. All without giving you an order, you're conditioned to obey Colonel and with each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.
Yes, yes, late the hate flow through you ....
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