Monday, July 24, 2006

Star Trek XI Poster

This is the one-sheet teaser for Star Trek XI revealed at the weekend. It certainly captures the feel of the original series using the command star varient of the USS Enterprise arrowhead (which we all know was later adopted as the insignia for all of Starfleet) imposed over swashes of colour denoting command gold and sciences blue. Simple, yet amazing. Go J.J.

Icons and Desktops are now available here from


Anonymous said...

god forgive me but sense....of...excitement....growing!

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Resistance is futile! Woops wrong era.

Unknown said...

Which bunch of overweight, old, typecast actors shall be boldly shuffling...etc and so on??

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

None of them. This will be a new young cast. Check out this exciting rumour of who could be the next Kirk!

Anonymous said...

Actually its a damn sight more exciting than the Iron Man Teaser poster!

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

That's because the Iron Man one is not a real studio sanctioned teaser poster. I made that perfectly clear if you bothered to read it properly.

Anonymous said...

Typical, "Command Gold and Science Blue", get top billing but the grease monkeys in green that actually make the Starfleet Ships move get no recognition at all, Hell the Redshirts that do all the dying don't even get a nod. I repeat, Typical.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Fair enough about the redshirts. I was one of them for long enough in another life; but what sort of TV did you watch the original Star Trek on? There was no green uniforms, unless you count Captain Kirks unique Captain's tunic or dress uniform?