Monday, July 10, 2006

Warning! Construction work ahead!

If you see things go a little "wonky" around here in a bit: Do not adjust your computer or change browser. I'm just doing some modifications and improvements. Due to the fact that I'm not a qualified web-designer nor have I any formal training in HTML I expect things to go horribly wrong before getting it right. As I often say: "It's going to get worse before it gets better!"

Please report any issues with my adjusted layout (citing browser and resolution) by commenting or E-mail.


Anonymous said...

What the!?!??Everything that used to be on the right of my screen is now on my left!!!! This cannot be I tell you , It's against the laws of man and God , MAN AND GOD!!!!!!!

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

No not everything. Now some of it is on either side.

Anonymous said...

WHY OH WHY OH WHY OH Why is everything written in french???? Mais Utiliser la Force Colonel!!!! Je suis triste!!

Anonymous said...

It's a bit cluttered at 1024x768 sir. I suspect that's the monitor resolution of the biggest slice of your readers.

Anonymous said...

i would suggest to get rid of the black background and the black link text, can make it hard to read. just a suggestion no doubt it will be welcomed with jest and ridicule.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

@ Former Grunt: Yeah I'll see if theres a way of moving it in from the sides for people with small monitors like yourself.

@ Anonymous: Is that you Rob? You're looking at me with 16bit colour, hence you think the grey links are black. I know you're at work so you may not be able to change it to the current 32bit standard of the rest of the world. I'm sure you'll be able to read it better when you view me through your home PC.