Thursday, April 06, 2006

When Baby Showers Go Bad

A baby shower is another stupid invention where the family and friends of expectant parents are "showered" with baby gifts etc. I'm sure you've all seen or heard of one from US originated movies and television.
What was intresting about this one reported on Sky News, was that a guest was shot and several other guests as well as the expectant mother herself were beaten with a stick!!!
Needless to say that this has changed my opinion of this particular event; If this is the level of excitment and violence that exist at these things perhaps I'll start producing my own children now...


Anonymous said...

please don't . i don't really think the planet could handle it

Anonymous said...

Besides, you've have to move to the US to avail of these "baby showers".

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Both good points. To hell with that idea then :/