Monday, April 24, 2006

Shatner sings to God

This is a clip from the 2005 AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to George Lucas show. In it, William Shatner comes on stage and sings to him. Later on, Shatner is joined by a group of dancing stormtroopers on stage. Has to be seen to be believed.


Anonymous said...

Deeply disturbing and strangely funny at the same time. Many people have asked the question of how would Captain KIrk would fare against Stormtroopers, but I bet very few of them envisioned this as an outcome. The "Shatner the Shyster" clip was also amusing - in the middle of the advert, he just randomly states "I'm William Shatner"?!
Even after all these years, we're still in thrall of this man!

Anonymous said...

Thats why that Stormtropper needed so much beer. Anyone would need some Dutch courage to do a dance number with Capt' Kirk on stage in front of George Lucas.

Anonymous said...

The Colonel wouldn't, he's no shame!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who brings a lightsaber into work and practises in a darkened room is undoubtedly without shame.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

I just feel the need to clarify that I was playing with an ignited Hasbro toy replica of Luke Skywalkers lightsaber in an open office space at 22:00 with the lights off.

Trust me as bad as it sounds, it's much better than what some people 'round 'ere would think when they read your comment Sithy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think they picked up on an unintentional innuendo. But then, they know you well!

Anonymous said...

Hurdy hur! Practises in a darkened room with his "lightsaber" :D *chuckle*

Anonymous said...

He was doing well until someone bested him with one of those rolls of card that held plotter paper!
Although what probably confused him was that I'd snapped the card into two and attacked him with both :)

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

@ Sithy: Bested me? I wiped the floor with that strawberry blond mop you used to sport on your head! Bested me indeed-, I'm sure at one point you have bested me but dreams don't count once you wake up mate!

Anonymous said...

errr yeah. Whatever.

Anonymous said...

Colonel, did you just admit to having dreams about Sithy getting the better of you with a long cylindrical object?

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

No, read it properley you muppet, he was the one dreaming! No one can best me in combat!!

Anonymous said...