Apparently Harve Bennett's original idea for a Starfleet Academy movie has been fleshed out and will be made whole, and the movie will feature a young James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock at the Academy and going out on their first missions.
Back when the idea was first brought to my attention about 15 years ago now I guess, at first I thought it was stupid. Even today my first reaction was 'No'. However after reviewing all of the information and not just the narrow-minded vision of the man who infomed me (granted he only has access to about a third of the infomation I'm privvy to), I'm going to give this idea my full support and welcome it. This will be a new era of Star Trek and it will succeed where it has failed on the past decade. Why?
No Berman, no Braga.
This is all that was needed all along. Everything in the world of Star Trek will be allright from now on. More as it happens folks...
coming from the man who informed you, I will say this, you're a crack leader of an elite forces unit true? well I'm sure you didn't get to where you are today without listening to your gut and what was your first gut reaction when you heard this news?"NO!" you said it , you typed it on this blog, I know you love trek , I know your not a defeatist but teen Kirk, teen spock ?you know this is as wrong as Batman And Robin!
If you had told me that the next movie was about the Starfleet Lavatory Attendant at McKinley Station I probably would have had the same 'gut' reaction, but I also didn't get to be 'a crack leader of an elite forces unit' by acting on the first thing that comes to mind, I analyse the data get all the intel. In this case I got the facts, not just your half-baked reports from Aertel dribbled down the phone. Now if you told me that ST:XI was going to be about a Starfleet Lavatory Attendant at McKinley Station, directed by J.J. Abrams, written by the writers of M:I-3, Alias and The Island and produced by the producers of Lost and The Sopranos then instead of 'No' I'd have said "Hell Yeah man! TREK'S BACK!!!!"
It wasn't my gut that was telling me ‘No’ today, it was remembering the premise for the original idea. At that time I didn't have the faith in anyone like I do in J.J. and I didn't believe it could be done convincingly. No, after seeing that the Lost producers and not Berman are behind this and it'll be written by the M:I-3 writers- we can't loose.
You've used the tripe that was Batman & Robin as some sort of ill conceived pathetic example of how blind you really are to the pulse of Hollywood. I on the other hand will now cleverly use your own example against you just as easily as I can render your Kick-boxing useless with my Judo: Star Trek Nemesis was Batman and Robin- it was gay. (Insurrection was Batman Forever- it was bland) by comparison Generations and First Contact were far better just as the first two Batman films were as well. Star Trek XI will be Batman Begins- a complete sweeping away of the old shit and idiots in charge and getting back to the basics, pure and simple (Sony are doing it with Bond at the moment too and Marvel have just done it with the Iron Man comic book and those appear to be working out too).
It's the right ting to do John, without Berman and Braga- ANYTHING will work, even the McKinley toilet attendant. - In fact to prove it, and for being so narrow-minded, I demand, you to write a short script for a "sequel" to Time Rogue as seen through the eyes of the McKinley Station Toilet Attendant as all the wrecked starships limp back to earth, and I'll bet it would be better than the last Star Trek films.
Also, from my investigations, the true Star Trek fans are happy so long as Berman and Braga ain't involved. True Star Trek fans also know that you can't have a teen Kirk AND Spock as Spock was 20 years old when Kirk entered the Academy at 17, so stop trying to make things sound bad with your uninformed rantings!
ahh Colonel it is touching that you still have faith but I remember you said the exact same bloody thing about Nemesis (and there are living eyewitnesses to this) and how john Logan was going to make it gritty and more "realistic" and what did we get? you walking out of the cinema , a look of shock in your eyes and in a state of denial for days before you admitted how shite it was.
And what is so greatabout jj , he created alias a show you admitted has become "ridiculous"in his plotting , Abrams may make MI3 amazing but it does not mean it will work for Trek , remember Colonel you ranted how excited you were about The Hulk after crouching tiger and MI2 "OH NO WAY MAN IS ANG LEE GOING TO FUCK THIS UP!"and yet do you own the Hulk on DVD?
There is no way you can put generation any where near batman, unless you are referring to the 60's version
@ Vaughan: Yes, I'll admit Alias did look like it was getting ridiculous, but later I discovered that what I thought was ridiculous was in fact genius, I just didn't understand it at the time- now I see the big picture and it's a masterpiece. As punishment, I whipped myself with a belt for doubting J.J.Abrams a man that rose from nowhere in record time and has become a household name. When you have some of the highest rated TV Shows in the world under your belt, then you can ask "What's so great about J.J.?"
Now for the last fucking time: Nemesis didn't fail because of how it was written, it failed because RICK BERMAN had Logan change too much of his script. It's all RICK BERMANS / BRANNON BRAGA'S FAULT!!!! AND NO THEY'RE GONE SO EVERYTHING'S GONNA BE GREAT GODAMMIT!!!!!
"remember Colonel you ranted how excited you were about The Hulk after crouching tiger and MI2" - I understand the connection between The Hulk and Crouching Tiger, but what the fuck in the name of the good lord God in heaven does M:I-2 have to do with The Hulk?
@ D Keeshan, my apologies old friend, it was late and I was tired and upset with that git above. I should have made it clear that First Contact was Batman and Generations was Batman Returns. I swapped them.
my apologies creedon I left out a sentence about john woo and windtalkers , I was making a point about how just how a guy does a brilliant job on one film does not mean hes going to do the same on the next ie John Logan did gladiator then nemesis, ang lee did crouch then hulk , will the same thing happen with mr Abrams?, in fact I have noticed something disturbing only today , Brian de Palma directed Mission 1 then he directed SNAKE EYES with Nicholas Cage , John Woo did MI2 then Windtalkers with....Nicholas Cage!!!Hang on a second isn't Cage A trekkie oh dear god we have to stop him NOW!.....
I was there when Creedon spoke of how 'great' Nemesis would be. I remember well his reaction to that steaming pile that it actually was. I advise caution, young Colonel. Don't be so hasty, remember, you mustn't evaluate the project before it's completion.
I'm not saying it's going to be better than Star Trek II or VI that's an impossible task but I know it's going to be better than Nemesis only on the grounds that nothing could be worse!
I believe Time Rogue™ was better than Nemesis - far superior actors (certainly in the first half), and higher production values. I think we can concede that Nemesis was the bottom of the barrel. Lets just hope it didn't kill off the fans cinematic enthusiasm!
Just because Brannon & Braga tore the head off a great franchise like Trek and shat down its neck doen't mean that the next person to be put in charge will do any better.
Remember how long Brannon & Braga where left at the helm. How every year things just got that little bit lamer.
I would question who at Paramount wanted to leave such jerk-asses in charge.
Maybe it was all a foul plot to bankrupt the franchise so that Paramount would sell it for a dime. So that a Shadowy Paramount 'Exec could step in and buy the franchise and institute a grand new order.
Wait a minute!.... Sithy what have you lot been up to?
*tries to look innocent*
Who, me? Of course, I won't deny I have ideas for the franchise - whilst they may be great ideas for me personally (think of Rikers nude volleyball holodeck program, then add 3 levels of filth), I think many viewers would be offended?
You could employ the "Doctrine of Terror", rule through the threat of force, rather then force itself. Imagine it, all the money you could extract from helpless Trekkies by anouncing you where going to launch a movie about teen Kirk and teen Spock, loyal fans would start sending you money not to make the movie!, Wait a minute..., NOOOOOO!, Sithy, you complete Bastard!
*quietly banks cheques*
J.J. has said that what you reported (which has now been reported on AICN, Yahoo news, SCI-FI wire and everywhere else) that what was reported was not done with his consent.
Furthermore, what was reported may not be entirely accurate...
You can't trust the press; the Tarkin Doctrine serves its purpose well with them.
I think I'd follow the Tarkin Doctrine too when it comes to the media. That lot must be controlled by the military. We can't just allow people to go around saying what they like. It isn't good for order and we have a harder task creating propaganda to undo the damage.
Nothing quite like censoring free speech that goes against the official stance, eh Colonel?
That's right. Free speech is an illusion, it should not exist in 'our' reality. As you suggested: The anti-Rummy ex-generals will be silenced too. Now if only we could silence that mick Jegger fellow...
Maybe I should creae a 'sith illusion', where truth as I see it exists... what do you think, Colonel?
Bad idea! Besides I don't think "Sith" and "Truth" marry well together.
Anyway, enough on that, back to the matter in hand: Abrams has indeed slammed Star Trek Rumors and has hit back back at unauthorized reports he is directing the next Trek movie. He's furious that news was released prematurely and is also upset that key details regarding the storyline were incorrectly reported. He explains to Empire online, "The whole thing was reported entirely without our cooperation. People learned that I was producing a Star Trek film, that I had an option to direct it, they hear rumors of what the thing was going to be and ran with a story that is not entirely accurate." Abrams won't reveal the true storyline, but hints that it won't feature characters Captain James T. Kirk or Mr. Spock at all, but doesn't rule out bringing some of the original characters back for the new film. The plot is thickining like mushroom soup...
Unlike "Colonel", "Eagle", and "truth", you mean?
Who'd like a Star Trek film starring the horny Yeomen (the female ones) in their micro-skirts?
uhh... the first sentence in my last post was smeared liberally with sarcasm.
Yeomen in their micro-skirts? Me please!
Thats good. Maybe we could get Miss Alba and Miss Johannson to star in the blatant opening nude shower scene - I have it scheduled to last around 20 minutes - what do you guys think? :)
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