Everyone's favourite little oriental fella and sensai,
Noriuki "Pat" Morita has died of natural causes at his Las Vegas home, aged 73. The
actor and comedian, whose portrayal of Mr. Miyagi in the 1984 movie
The Karate Kid earned him an Oscar nomination.
I believe the wisdom of Mr. Miyagi is second only to Yoda.
If the first three movies have proved anything, besides the fact that Lucas doesn't/never had it, they proved that Yoda was thicker than a sack of hammers encased in concrete.
The Wisdom of Mr.Miyagi?all he ever said was "wax on,wax off" and taught his pupils the crane, a move that in real life allows your opponent to kick the living shit out of you....
@ Mark: Screw you Twomey. Yoda's wisdom was beyond all we could ever understand. It was because you don't understand it that you think he's stupid.
@ Anonymous: Screw you Vaughan, Miyagi had great wisdom and vision. The crane would win you a match because your oponent would die laughing.
and the drum! who could forget the drum?
Everyone's favourite oriental was and still is Cato for the Pink Panther films (soon to be desicrated by another bunch of Hollywood mercenaries hell bent on destroying another classic in search of a few extra dollars). Who could forget his fights with Clouseau and the way he migth lay in wait for the hapless slueth only to pounce a second too late and catch an armfull of air. Or when in the process of beating up Closuea he paused to answer the telephone and clamly handed to phone to the inspector stating "It's for you". Hilarity, thy name is Cato.
Kato was the funniest oriental ever. I'll concede that!
What about Bruce Lee? The way every 5 mins he'd fall around drunk with his arms and legs flailing everywhere crashing into people and getting into all sorts of trouble, funny funny shit!
That's not Bruce Lee, that's my buddy Dave O'Connor at the weekend!
That must have bugged you for a while! How did you figure it out? I'd like the explianation in the style ala Ms Jessica Fletcher complete with acid flash backs of the various tip offs!
Ms Jessica Fletcher - one of the greatest serial killers of all time :-)
Ah yes but she had great manners all the same, sure once a person has good manners you can forgive alot of mishaps here and there every week. Tea Anyone?
Anyone ever noticed Miyagi's remarkable resemblance to Yoda?, Could they be long lost brothers?
Corporal. As soon as Cubaboy posted his first Blog there was a Davey Boy, which posted minutes apart from you. No coincidences here.
Welcome back Overseer, hope you weren't planning my downfall with Master Guns or somthing equally futile! Miyagi and Yoda were cut from the same cloth. I would not be surprised if Miyagi was inspired by Yoda.
Both full of enigmatic wisdom.
"Wax on, wax off"
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Wax On Wax Off, is a great way of explaining the principals of a martial art, the transmission from yin to yang and back again, fantastic!
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