Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Michael Piller dies

The man may have been co-responsible for creating Star Trek: Voyager, but unlike Rick Berman and Brannon Braga- I don't know anyone who wanted him dead.

Sadly Mike Piller, at age 57, lost a battle with cancer yesterday that most of his collegues didn't even know he had. He remained quite active in television until recently and his shows Wildfire and The Dead Zone have been renewed for 2nd and 5th seasons respectively. I'll always think of him as the man who co-created Deep Space Nine- the best of the Star Trek shows.

I can only hope and pray that Berman and Braga will share a similar fate as poor Mike and die horribly of cancer as they were a cancer on Star Trek for the past several years and effectively killed it... for now.


Anonymous said...

I share the Colonels sentiments.

Anonymous said...

Is any else a little bit worried about the Colonel's level of pre knowledge of this event? and of Red Six's sad demise, How long will it be before we see an article lamenting the passing of Sith Apologist or Master Guns?!!

P.S. Damn, Talent always dies young!

Unknown said...

I doubt many will "lament" the passing of Sith Apologist, although I can claim some pre knowledge of the event, it will be death by piss bombing at my hands !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about me too much, I know all about the Colonels death when he hits 64 ... the uniform clad Colonel, the Jack Daniels that soaks him, the burning body, etc

Anonymous said...

..the jar of liver still attached...

Anonymous said...

which begs the question - why wear full dress uniform for a quiet night in with a bottle of Jack and a jar of liver?

Anonymous said...

I note the lack of objections to the proposed demise of Master Guns. For Shame!

Anonymous said...

I can't speak for him, but I'm sure that as a survivor of 1 Creedon betrayal/abandonment, he knows to watch his back at all times :)

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Cpl. Matrix, it it'll be Pvt. Matrix if there's any more nonsence like that around here...

Sith Apologist is correct however about the details of my death, there will be a self-inflicted gunshot wound as well. It's not me that burns my body however, that'll be done by one of my loyal troops who won't want the press to have the type of field day they had with Admiral Boorda's death a few years back.

Anonymous said...

You won't be sticking around that long Sir!

Anonymous said...

Self inflicted gunshot wound?, Colonel thats thinking small, sureley an officer with your security clearance could gain access to something with a little more va-va-BOOM!

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

No, I've noticed officers of similar grade take a more gentlemanly approach to ending it all. My favourite was Lt.Col.Matthew Markinson's death (wonderfully acted by the late J.T.Walsh) by stainless steel Marine issue beretta while wearing full dress uniform in A Few Good Men.
Most recently there was Capt. George Cummings (Sam Shepard) death in Stealth where the officer took off his US Naval Academy ring before blowing his brains out.