Now, while the corps no longer recruits crybabies and whiners, it seens that a more stringent interviewing system should be applied to the Royal Marines to weed out these type of people from being recruited. The Marines should be allowed to practice this kind of training at their leisure with out MOD interference- we live in a time where this is necessary!
I take it 'Whopper' will be signing up for some International training exercises with these chaps?
To late in my career for cross-training, but I'll be sure to send some of my boys to show the Brits how it's done, a bit more discreetly.
The old "holding the recruit to the bed with his sheets, then beating the crap out of him with a bar of soap wrapped in a towel" routine, no doubt?
Something along those lines. But I'd never order one of course!
But I'm sure you've turned many a blind-eye in your time, eh? Somewhat like Colonel Jessep?
You know - I feel like we've had this conversation before?!
Lock some monkeys into a room with a typewriter and at some point in time they'll recreate the complete works of Shakespere.
However, its unlikely they'd stumble across a recreation of some the wierd conversations we've had over the years before recreating Shakespeare.
Why? Most of them make more sence than the work of the bard.
Only to us. Only to us.
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