Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Ryanair: Not Spy Friendly

Just a word of warning when travelling on Ryanair, they may print and thus reveal to all who it is you're contracted to when doing a "job" wherever you're going...


Civilian Overseer said...

Holy Smeg, Bill Clinton is a silver tounged devil. ;)

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

By Lucas' Beard!!!! This mission was supposed to take 72 hours min!!! We leave again tonight! That's not enough time to get a copy of the 1st Fast Food Restaurant menu!!! Another botched op!

kishetie said...

I see they listed your species as well :)

Civilian Overseer said...

Kishetie, I believe the scientific definition of the Colonel's race is "Orcus Uruk Hai"

Civilian Overseer said...

Colonel, Suggest We look into weaponisation of Clinton's Mojo.

Bruce Russell said...

Civvy, you beat me to the punch. You're always on the mark. However, it should be plural, and followed by a comma and the words "ruthless slayer of." Kazaa!

Former Grunt said...

Great Job News! You’ve finally replaced the obsession with a dead child molesting freak with news made by an immoral adulterous pervert! Well it’s a step up I reckon!?

Civilian Overseer said...

Barbatus, Now, Council, that could be intrepreted as attempting to lead the witness, I recognise a trap when I see it, You'll not get me to spring it. ;)