Friday, July 31, 2009

Transparent Aluminium Created!

You no doubt all remember this scene from Star Trek IV when Scotty uploads the matrix for Transparent Aluminum* in order to get free Plexiglass to create a giant fishtank:

Well, it appears that they've finally figured out everything Scotty improbably input into the Mac in those brief seconds. Oxford scientists have now created a transparent form of aluminium by bombarding the metal with the world’s most powerful soft X-ray laser.

* Not a spelling error: Aluminium is spelled and pronounced strangely in the US and Canada as Aluminum.


vaughan said...

Call an alert the Colonels been replaced by probably some weird eastern european or alien doppleganger....this imposter slipped up when he typed that Scotty created transparent aluminum so they could use it to bring the whales home when everyone knows he used the formula of the aluminum to purchase the materials to form the "whale tank"...there's no way the real colonel would write such a thing unless.......he made a mistake!

Civilian Overseer said...

Mr.V, The Colonel dosen't make mistakes or at least he doesn't leave any witnesses. Take a hint, walk away...

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

@ Vaughan: I have no idea what you're on about mate. Stay away from the drink.

Scotty didn't create the materiel, he simply uploaded the matrix for Nichols - that's what I said. Read it again.

@ Civvy: That's the best advice you've ever dispenced here - perhaps it is you who are the "weird eastern european or alien doppleganger"?

Civilian Overseer said...

Colonel, I refer you to the previous good advice. ;)