The move would reverse the policy of the Bush administration and could expose CIA employees and agency contractors to criminal prosecution for the alleged mistreatment of terror suspects in the years after the Sept. 11 attacks. President Obama signed off on setting up a special interrogation team that would be placed at the FBI but report directly to the White House-based National Security Council.
Though such work typically falls to the CIA, one senior U.S. official told FOX News that the CIA did not want to house the new initiative. "They're glad to be out of the long-term detention business," the official said. The unit's structure would depart significantly from such work under the Bush administration, when the CIA had the lead and sometimes exclusive role in questioning Al Qaeda suspects.
Hrrrmph! I thought that Obama said that he wanted this issue left in the past? Now I have to get rid of perfectly good power tools...
Colonel, Put away those Power Tools, We all know that the good Colonel is innocent of all charges, the very idea of the Colonel particpating in a mock execution is preposterous. We all know he only does the other kind. ;)
I like the little touch of rust. Give 'em tetanus as well as a hole in the knee/elbow/shoulder/wrist etc
Harrump. I call upon the Colonel to say a few words on the sad passing of Senator Kennedy's. Truly a legend inhis own time.
Rust and dried blood look an awful lot a like.
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