The footage features Stark, his accident, his excape from captivity in the Mk1 armour and ariel acrobatics of the more familiar red & gold design. "We did a mad scramble to get a couple shots going with ILM and they’ve been very cooperative, but if we were relying completely on the CG we wouldn’t have had anything; it would have been a little PowerPoint show and tell. Here we could actually begin to tell a story, because all that stuff… that’s all in camera…" Fav said.

What I do want you all to hear is the cheer. The cheer when Iron Man is revealed. The cheers when he does some fantastic shit on screen. Captain America will never get a cheer like that, he's just not cool enough. Stark comes accross as a complete asshole in this. And it's right, Stark is an asshole, he's real. He's more real than any comic-book character in existence. And he supports the government that protects you. He's a patriot, not a traitor.
I never cease to be fascinated by the Lt.Col's definitions of patriot/traitor ...
Captain America is the country, you know that they're just working up towards a massive denouncement of Tony Stark and pro-reg.
As for Captain America not being cool, he doesn't have to be. His phoney-baloney death was covered globally by the media. He transcends cool. Lets see if the the same thing happens when that alcoholic Dr Doom wannabe of yours ends up being grilled by a special prosecutor.
Bugger, trailer has been removed
"He's a patriot, not a traitor.", sounds remarkable like Nixon's "I'm not a thief!"
I think that we can all agree that due to the numerous lucrative military contracts that "Stark Enterprises" has received from the US government and organisations such as S.H.I.E.L.D, he is certainly a very well paid patriot/traitor.
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