I heard of The Irish Blog Awards last year, most likely through Mark as I pay little attention to the Irish blogosphere (yes that's a "word" apparently) and I had forgotten about them until the Sunday revelation. From what I learned it sounded like an excuse for a load of Dubliners (pardon, and Damien Mulley) to get together for a piss-up and praise each other for their accomplishments and enhancements to the Irish blogosphere (there's that word again).
However looking at this year's nominees, I'm thinking of revising that opinion. I see that there are people outside the pale up for awards as evident by the number of entries as Gaeilge. As I've never heard a Dubliner, or a true Dubliner rather speaking Irish; they must be from other places in Bogland.
Anyway the point of this post is to let you know that Mark and I have been nominated by some goon with more time than sence, who, upon discovering that there was a Best Podcaster category in this year's awards decided it would be a great idea to put us in the ring. Whoever you were: What the hell were you thinking?
Have you any idea how much a real award would go to my head? Don't you think I'm unstable enough already?
Actually it's great! Because I get attention, so go here, stick in your name and E-Mail, scroll down to Best Podcaster, select 2IGTV from the dropdown list (and obviously make other selections as you see fit) and submit. Only do it once, you clown or you'll make your vote null and void. Voting will close February 16th at 17:00 GMT so don't wait around.
Lord save us from Educated Idiots!
this is now a secure connection??? good grief!!!! congratulations colonel but somehow your touching tirade is hardly going to get you votes in Dublin , prehaps you could be more subtle in securing the Dublin vote something like "Vote for me you Dublin g****ites" yknow subtle!
I voted for ya, but then again I'm not from Dublin
Congratulations on your nomination Lt Colonel. Unfortunatley I can't vote for you since I don't believe in democracy. I believe awards should be taken rather than given, much like Hitler declaring himself Der Fuher or Napolen declaring himself Emporer. I suggest that you storm the awards (whether you win or not) and take the award, and a couple more, for yourself. Are you a man or a mouse??
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