Still not running out of ideas, the Hasbro toy company, half of which is supported by realising all of George Lucas' imaginings, [the other half by Transformers] has revealed yet another version of Jedi Luke and Darth Vader action figures from Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi, at Comic Con this weekend. This time however they come with Vader's funeral pyre which of course will allow Luke to burn dear ol' dad. This is from the company that said figures of the burned skeletons of Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen would probably be too "morbid."
But the actual event of burning a body is not?

Did Luke burn his dad or was it just the armor?, The scene with Obi Wan, Yoda and Anakin,at the end of ROTJ implies it was just the armor as Anakin had become one with the force. Thoughts?
You're just trying to get me into trouble, aren't you?
Connie, Young Lady, My days are haunted with thoughts of getting you in trouble but as I'm a married man it can never be. ;)
In this case I'm genuinely concerned that Great Lucas may have made a mistake. ;)
sigh. I am so, so sorry, Civvy. I have worked hard to mask my desirableness but you have clearly found me out. Strength, young man. Courage and strength to you as you fight to curb your understandable desires.
Also, it was not only armor but all the other devices that were inside Darth Vader that were burned. Robot parts cannot ascend.
It's an affliction but I'll get over it. ;)
That's terrible Vader couldn't bring his gadgets with him!
You've descovered one of the edicts that is being attempted to be observed as "canon" by the "revisionist" Lucas.
Since 1995, he's wanted us to believe that Luke was burning Vader's armour and that Vader did dissappear and ascend [just offscreen strangely unlike the obvious points he made with the vanishing of Obi-Wan and Yoda].
However in Star Wars Episode I, we see them burning Qui-Gon, who later appeared in spirit form in the EU [all approved by Lucas personally]. This sets the fact that a body does not have to vanish upon death to ascend.
I am neither a hard-core purist or revisionist - I believe Han shot first, I prefer "Jedi Rocks" over "Laptai Nek", I accept the final Sebastian Shaw "Spirit of Anikin" over the Hayden Christensen version. I think the revised Sarlacc is unnecessary and I regard the overwriting of "Yub Yub Come and Feel the love" as Lucas best decision ever. But more to the point I believe Luke burned his father's dead flesh and blood body along with all his bio-mechanical parts in a blazing fire.
Case closed.
So it seems we have two competing schools of thought when it comes to the afterlife of gadgets, in the blue corner We have, Connie, who believes that Gadgets do not go to heaven and in the Red corner We have the Colonel, Who believes you can take your Iphone with you when you ascend.
Will there peace be ever made between these bitterly opposing viewpoints?.
@ Civvy: For clarification: I said "I believe Luke burned his father's dead flesh and blood body along with all his bio-mechanical parts in a blazing fire."
I did not say that both his body and mechanical parts ascended, I said they were burned [the mechanical parts were found years later by Kyp Durron or was it Jacien Solo? I don't recall]. Obviously only his body as it would appear if he did not have cyborg implants did ascend as that is the true composition of his spirit.
There are no doubt people that love their iPhone so much that they believe it will ascend however, but that's for people who deify Steve Jobs.
But if all are Jedi Masters, how do you account for the difference between what happened to Obi Wan and Qui-Gon? Obi Wan and Yoda ascended, but other Jedi Masters did not? Why not?
Colonel "I did not say that both his body and mechanical parts ascended
And the winner is Connie in the Blue corner.
How do you account for the fact that Anakin was shown to have his arms and legs as a force spirit?, surely they had predeceased him?, Did his limbs somehow repent his evil ways and become one with the force and then just wait around for the rest of him repent and ascend?.
At the risk of blasphemy, I miss "Yub Nub." I play it frequently for my son.
Thats cute Barbatus now focus!, We're into deep philosophical questions here and quite frankly the Colonel is coming up short.
Bruce, you are a genius! That is a perfect song for toddlers! I will be sure to play this for my toddlers in the fall.
Connie, Toddlers in the Fall?, Congratulations!
Connie, Toddlers in the Fall?, Congratulations!
That last quip was sooo good I had to say it twice. ;)
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