Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Whopper At The Pentagon

On a visit to Washington D.C., Colonel "Whopper" Creedon stopped by the Pentagon Monday morning to give a press conference denouncing a recent environmental impact report that blamed UNETIDA for an underground chemical explosion in Southern Virginia in July of last year.

Following that, The Colonel paid his respects to retiring Major General Carlos "Butch" Pair, Defense Business Systems Acquisition Executive. Upon meeting The Colonel, General Pair commented that he would love to one day return to Ireland and reminisced fondly about his days in Galway.

The Colonel also visited the Pentagon Memorial commemorating the 184 lives lost during the tragic events of September 11, 2001.


Anonymous said...

ok and for just one moment the world seemed to make a little less sense!
I hope colonel you took memory notes of the layout for the "Project".
On a different note , I know ou were showing your respects but does anone think the Colonel with the pentagon in the background looks like he should be in a political thriller starring Chris Cooper or Ray liotta?

Anonymous said...

I'm just amazed, this is the first pentagon picture that wasn't 'shopped'.

I hope they let you pose for a few more, we expect more

Anonymous said...

uh huh. Press conferences by day, bleach blonde Asian "masseuses" by night, yes? How's the Pentagon after dark, Colonel?

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how the Pentagon Memorial looks like it would function remarkable well as a truck bomb deterrent...