Friday, March 13, 2009

Bye for a while folks


Bruce Russell said...

If you're coming to the States, and I think you are since I's know that map anywhere, you'd better give a shout down to your old buddy Bruce.

Anonymous said...

Noooo, Bruce, Get Out NOW!, he is coming for you!

Bruce Russell said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Damn it another double tap to the crotch......personally I think Bruce recognised that "recon" map a little too well!

Anonymous said...

Mr. V, Agreed, Pity the Fool who looks it up on Google Maps. Probably trigger all sorts of automatic alerts.

Anonymous said...

although is it just me or does that map look more like series of possible targets?? Did the Colonel in his rush to leave get his tourist guide map and his priority target guide mixed up ....again!

Bruce Russell said...

The Colonel is one crazy mofo! Crazy . . . LIKE A FOX!

Anonymous said...

So what's that red thingy at the bottom of the map? That five sided thingy?

Anonymous said...

oh my gawwwwwwwwd!!!!