If you thought that Captain America/Steve Rogers was going to return right-as-rain after I personally buried him a few months ago, then you're in my boat actually, I thought that was going to happen.
No. There's a new Sentinel of Liberty coming; written by Ed Brubaker (who guaranteed Rogers' status of being food for worms forever) and drawn by Alex Ross one of the most talented painters (I will not use the word artist when talking about this man) on the planet (Note to Mark: I keep forgetting to give you back your Kingdom Come - remind me!). Ross has created a new Captain America uniform for the as-yet-unknown character who will take up the mantle.
What excites me is the fact that he'll CARRY A GUN - yes!! Look it's in the picture!!! Jesus Christ he has a big fucking knife too!!! Now that's what I'm tallking 'bout Momma!! Shit I'm dribbling on my shirt! So will the new Cap be a slightly unhinged Republican? A paid up member of the NRA? Let's hope so, I like this development.
Fill details and artwork at Marvel.com Captain America #34 is currently scheduled to arrive in stores on January 16, 2007.
Source: Marvel
Whats the betting that the old Steve Rodgers, from "The House of M" series managed to somehow find his way across into the Marvel Earth-616 continuity, ala Dark Beast form the "Age of Apocalypse", gets rejuvenated and eventually kicks this new punk into touch and becomes the new Captain America. Any comments?
It's comic-book land, anything can happen I guess.
If it happen, it could pave the way for Steve Rogers and Tony Stark to work together again as there was no falling out in the first place, it's the original Captain America, just not ours, kinda thing.
I didn't read the House Of M. Is Rogers a whiny liberal in that dimension too? If so then would he not still oppose registration and be defeated by Iron-Man again?
Na, the Cap never had the opportunity to go down that path, when Wolverine was rounding up the various heros to go after Magneto in the House of M series he decided to leave the Cap in peace because Rodgers was an old man in this universe, having never been frozen at the end of WWII.
Jeezus a gun!this is just shit, utter shit, the sooner those ignorant lilly livered liberals at marvel correct all this civil war nonsense the better ....this is just the Death of Superman BADLY DONE ..Why do these wankers have to to bring these changes when the fans are obviously not happy ..and why? because they have a fuckin ego that tek lls them that there vision is some how the best vision only to have it erased by the next writer to take over ......believe me this is just a waste of time as we await the REAL captains return and believe me he will return..if you don't believe me just ask Captain Marvel...Marvel comics the house of really stale ideas.
Didn't this all happen before when John Walker became Captain America for a limited time, went insane and was then replaced with Steve Rogers?, Walker then became U.S. Agent
Good god man! You say this in a tone as if you were expecting a truely new revolutionary idea!!!
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