Saturday, August 18, 2007

Leaked Dark Knight Images

Some relatively unknown website in Brazil got these images from The Dark Knight first apparently. They've been removed from AICN at the suggestion of Warner Bros. lawyers. See them here while you can. There's obviously no explanation as to what the fuck is going on in these shots so take them as they are. One things for sure I need to get some more monitors to catch up to Bruce Wayne, I've only half what he has at the moment.

Source: judao


Anonymous said...

Hmm...I'm not too sure about how the Joker looks...he doesn't where makeup in the comics, he fell into a chemical vat and it really made him fugly...well as long as he acts psychotic...

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Well it's unlikely that a perfectly well-adjusted individual will wear make-up like that. So there will be a few screws loose I daresay.

He'd fit right in around here methinks.

Anonymous said...

Rumor is Joker wears make up in the film as a disguise until he has the accident that permanently disfigures him into the joker we know.(By the way Creedon maybe you should take the photo you have down as Warner Bros are going after anyone who puts the photos up.)

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Actually I'm deliberately leaving it there because all the best bloggers have "Cease And Desist" orders from someone official.
I'll know I've hit the big-time when I get one of those :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you're right vaughan. Joker is best when he looks the worst!