Here are the latest words from Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North on the subject...
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“We’re in a generation-long battle against terrorism, against Al Qaeda-inspired terrorism, and this is a battle for which we can give no quarter. It’s a battle that’s got to be fought in military, diplomatic, intelligence, security, policing and ideological terms.”
That’s pretty strong stuff — and since those remarks were made this week at Camp David, one might think they were uttered by President Bush. However, they were spoken by Britain’s new prime minister, Gordon Brown, who the international media believe has reservations about the war in Iraq. “He gets it,” President Bush said of the Prime Minister’s stance on terrorism. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the masters of the media.
For nearly two years, the press have been slavishly following liberal dogma and telling us that the war in Iraq is all but lost; that the region will never embrace democracy and that young Americans serving there are dying needlessly. Even before the “troop surge”, they were telling us that it wouldn’t work. And since the final contingent of additional troops arrived in theater most tried to convince us that it has failed. Some of them may even believe it, but that doesn’t make it true.

First, there is enormous antipathy in U.S. and European press rooms toward George W. Bush and his administration. It’s been that way since his first term and it isn’t going to go away. This predisposition — and the media’s congenital animus toward the American military — colors reporting on everything the president does or says to include the war coverage. Opposition politicians have taken advantage of this bias and its effect on the polls to reap political advantage. They saw the efficacy of this stratagem in the last two congressional elections and they intend to pursue it to capture the White House regardless of the damage done to our national security.
Second, despite the importance of the war to the American people, there are relatively few western — particularly American — journalists outside Baghdad’s “Green Zone.” Much of what we see on television is videotape bought from Arab cameramen, many of whom spend most of their time with their favorite Al Qaeda terror cell or Shia militia unit. My media “colleagues” then cut this tape — usually the aftermath of a heinous terror act — stand on the balcony of an air conditioned hotel room and tell us the “latest news” from the war. Lead stories rarely mention the courage and perseverance of American troops or their Iraqi counterparts, how many new schools, hospitals and police stations have been opened, or the clean water and sanitation that’s now available to the people of Mesopotamia.
Both of these factors have significantly altered Americans’ perceptions of what’s happening on the ground in Iraq. But that doesn’t change the fact that the “surge strategy” is working. The goals — announced by General Petraeus before he departed for Iraq, are being achieved: Add sufficient U.S. troops to give the Iraqi police and security forces time to recruit, train, arm and deploy; Seize and hold Al Qaeda and militia strongholds — and assure the people in those areas that the security forces are there to stay and prevent both acts of terror and sectarian violence;
Begin the process of political reform so that the people of Iraq have an equitable distribution of the nation’s oil wealth and rule of law so that disputes can be resolved without resorting to bullets and IEDs.
Last December — even before the additional troops arrived in Iraq — I reported how the “awakening” in violent Al Anbar Province had created conditions where, for the first time, Sunni police, Shia soldiers and American troops were working together against Al Qaeda.
Now, even The New York Times has had to acknowledge that the surge strategy is working by running an op-ed this week in which it was noted how strategic Al Anbar is now a model for the rest of the country, that “many of the corrupt and sectarian Iraqi commanders who once infested the [Iraqi Army] have been removed,” and that the delivery of basic services, such as electricity and clean water, are underway. They point to challenges ahead — but it’s a step in the right direction.
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Thank you Colonel North, now it's time the rest of the world discovered the truth: The campaign in Iraq is a success and Bush should be praised.
Source: Fox News
You should realise that gordon brown only gets one thing, - the need to send a message, having regard to his audience.
He is manifestly part of the problem, never has realised the identity of the solution.
The thing is a total turd, along with his party.
I you're gonna venture into the real world, you better read the real world first
Another happy British citizen? Save your pennies laddie. You'll need them before long.
Colonel: Will you ask Mr. Brown about installing the Tesla cannon in Big Ben? What are the chances?
Yeah, there's always one.
No. I don't see the likelihood of the new P.M. allowing the cannon as it would cost his government to run it. He doesn't appear to be the most, er.. benevolent of leaders even faced with annihilation from space.
The new P.M. does not require fancy dan WMD to take down the any alien menance, he'd grant them visas and tax the hell out of them instead. Ruthless Bastard.
Don't call me laddie, grunt.
You only know what you read, and given the friggin idiots running the press, you read lies.
The real situation is far worse!
Begging your pardon lass. I was under the impression the Colonel's antics scared away all the women around here.
If the situation is far worse, I guess you'll be moving then. If it's indeed wose than the press say; then might I suggest China?
No grunt! You're up the wrong tree (I can't believe I lived after you watched my back in Panama) He's not a lass either he's just older than you are- assuming it's you that has returned Seeker Of Wisdom?
Another example of how the press lie to us: I saw an article today that suggested Ricky Gervais wasn't funny. Yet he sold 100,000 "Extras" DVD's in the past two weeks...
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