Monday, September 12, 2005


It was a lovely day in Charlesfort this afternoon, where I went to see a group of re-enactors shoot each other with blanks. Here we see the United Irishmen give a pasting to the British :)
The Irish Lebanon Veterans were also there with their UN equipment, which you see behind me. Am I cool or what?


Anonymous said...

Splendid pics, man

Anonymous said...

So did you suceed in passing yourself off as a Vet?, "The Leb?, Yeah, I remember the Leb" stares off into the distance.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Forget Sizemore! You can play me instead!!!

Anonymous said...

Gotta pass, horse, would need a prosthetic for the role. Trying to think of a catchy title for the movie, I favour, "Colonel Creedon, Liberty's Killer"