Sunday, September 18, 2005

You wanna write for Star Wars?

Lucasfilm is now hiring potential writers for the forthcoming Star Wars TV show due to begin principal photography in Australia in January 2007. George himself will ‘oversee’ the 1st season then pass the torch to someone else. The show will focus on “Imperial Bounty hunters” and take place during the time period between ‘Revenge of the Sith’ and ‘A New Hope’.


Anonymous said...

Damn you, George Lucas' you've screwed us yet again, wasting incredible story telling potential to give use a rehash of "The adventures of young Inidiana Jones". 'Cept this time it will feature such lame ass stories as "how young Boba learned to use a rocket pack".

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to the episode where young jedi learn how to use Mind Tricks to get laid :)

Anonymous said...

What could also be interesting is the incidents alluded to in Empire - where Vader pointedly says to Fett "I want them alive, no disintegrations". I'm sure I'm not the only one who is curious as to who/what got disintegrated!

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

We're not just talking Boba Fett here but the likes of IG88, 4LOM, Bossk and Dengar too, plus the freedom for a multitude of other bountyhunters who may/may not have survived beyond the time period in question.

Anonymous said...

I though all a young Jedi had to do to get laid was prevent the trade federation from taking over an impressionable young Queen's world and then take advantage of being assigned as her bodyguard a couple of years latter, The mindtrick part comes in handy when you want to make your escape the next day, "You don't need to see my phone number, This is not the love makin' droid you're are looking for"

Anonymous said...

No, its only that hard if you're the 'chosen one' - for us more normal folks its a lot easier
ie to girl:'i'm the one you want to come home with' and then to her boyfriend: 'you go home and pretend to be single'

I'm sure all these bounty hunters can have amusing backstories woven about them - Aurra Sing would be one I'd like to see. Of course, stories about bounty hunters done properly might not fit the Lucas child viewer demographic

Anonymous said...

Maybe a series like this would be the opportunity the sith have been waiting for to get our point of view across - I feel our most redeeming qualities weren't apparent in the last 6 jedi propoganda films. All we did was try to restore order to chaos, to unite the galaxy for the collective good of all, and expose the glaring deficiencies of the prior order.
As a great man once said "I love democracy..."

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I'm looking forward to the episode where young jedi learn how to use Mind Tricks to get laid :)"

Your anonymous now Dutton is it?
How'd ya get inta that sort a thing?

Anonymous said...

what, being anonymous or using mind tricks to ...? :)

Anonymous said...

For us mere mortals left suffering without a sufficant medicloring count for mind tricks and seeing that mind tricks would be quite advantagous in female incounters, not that any true Jedi would take advantage while anyone was looking of course, I have just the's called aclchol. will drink this pint of vodka.... will get in this taxi..
It even works on the taxi-driver will bring us back to my gaff..
..she is my girlfriend and she is alright..

I'm going to hell! :)

Anonymous said...

The lines you were using there sound like you were already using mind tricks!
"you will drink a pint of vodka" - of course, if you find a guillible student, she'll do it anyway I'm sure