Well he did - and what a magnificent result it was. Many joked that Stallone was now 60 and he did the previous Rambo movie at 40 so he was going to be killing people with a Zimmer-frame. Not so, Stallone has himself pumped so full of the human growth hormone Jinotropin; he doesn't look even 50 on screen so it'll be a while before the Zimmer-frame is required.

John Rambo is now in Thailand enjoying a simple life of a hunter for a snake farm but is drawn into the brutal conflict in nearby Burma as he ferries a group of holy-Joe do-gooder volunteers into the country to administer first-aid and education to a people who are deprived from it by their own government. Then the fun starts!
From Wikipedia:
According to the 1990 Guinness World Records, 'Rambo III is the most violent film with 221 acts of violence, at least 70 explosions, and over 108 characters killed on-screen. However, the body count of the fourth Rambo movie surpassed the record. In comparison, Rambo holds the record with the most kills out of the entire Rambo series, with 236 kills and an average of 2.59 kills per minute.
And you see them all, in all their glory. The blood, Dear God, the blood! Stallone had obviously been thinking about this for some time, this was undoubtedly a pet-project for him for many years it shows in every scene lovingly paced with Rambo always central to the proceedings.

Final Verdict: The sheer violence is glorious. Not a single death is overdone or is unnecessary to the plot or purpose of this movie, a masterpiece of action-porn.
Colonel Creedon Rating: *****+
Is that Maria Bello in the picture above, if so does she get her tits/fanny out on this film as she does in every other film she's ever been in.....not that I'm complaining you understand. I just wonder what'll she do when she's 60, will she still be getting her wrinkled auld minge out then?????
Apparently Empire are getting a lot of bad comments on its forum because it only gave Rambo 2 stars.
@ Cubaboy! No. That's Julie Benz, a far more "respectable" actress then Ms. "Pants-off" Bello.
Hey! Was that you beeping at me on the Model Farm Road yesterday?
@ Aaron: Empire is gone to shit. With superior and more well written reviews online no, the days of overpriced printed magazines is coming to an end. I think Premiere stopped publishing last year?
Yes it was....and a cursory wave wouldn't go a miss in future. I didn't momentarily move my hand off my balls and press the horn for nothing you know!!!!!
Wait a second Colonel didn't you go to Jumper and National treasure 2 , why haven't you put these reviews up...has Sam Jackson Failed you? is that why?is it? hmmmm!
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