Thursday, March 16, 2006

2IGTV Episode 14

In this episode we discuss why Mark reserves the right to change his mind from episode to episode and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it, Dungeons & Dragons Online which is set to control our lives for a few weeks at least, why scientologist Isaac "Chef" Hayes is a hypocritical bastard, why Hard Boiled shouldn't be remade, Sony's plans to take over the world with the PS3 are delayed, the latest on Milla Jovovich, David Hasselhoff, Howard Stern and John Travolta, television news with Battlestar Galactica, SG-1, Atlantis and the 1st review of The Unit.

iTunes feed Mp3


Anonymous said...

Good one guys, as usual it's worth listening to just to hear the personal insults.

Here you go for a dicussion;
Who are the 2IGTV MP3 neighbours....
What I mean is what artists are either side of this podcast on WMP or iTunes?
On mine your between 10CC and 2Pac.

Anonymous said...

Another irony is that the one person the 2 hosts would have expected to play DDO doesn't have the time/money right now! :-(

Anonymous said...

I think you all need to introduce a live phone in section to your show.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

@ Ricky: I can't speak for Mark but 2IGTV is right there on top for me. Above a-Ha!

@ Sith: Don't worry. We'll still be there when you get there, unless eaten by a dragon. Which is possible in a game called Dungeon's & Dragons.

@ Sports Guy: That's a great idea. Unfortunatly we normally have less than 24hours lead time before we decide to actually do the show. That's before all the technical issues and shrill feedback issues normally associated with recording from an external and transmission sound source. Why would you call in?

Anonymous said...

And all too easy to envision with Mr. Meade involved :-)

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Was he DM during the Targanath-Eating-Incident? I thought that was you?

Anonymous said...

Of course I would call in, just to tell that Mark guy how fucking boring his life sounds!!

Anonymous said...

I think he's only boring when you consider the fact that he's doing a show with one of the most decorated Marine officers of all time whose job it is to protect us all from an Alien Invasion. How the fuck do you compete with that? And you must admit that the guys got some cahonas to stand up to a living legend the way he does.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember an eating incident? I do remember a flesh-destroying breath attack though? Not quite the same thing...

Anonymous said...

@ Former Grunt. Well I hope Mark's insurance is paid up because the Colonel will snap and believe me I'm a tough bastard, but even I'd cower when that happens. Oh and he's only one of the most decorated Marines because the men who should have got those awards died on the mission.

And were left behind...

Anonymous said...

good to see the Colonel didn't have you silenced, master guns!
on a related note - are you the only men left behind who lived to tell the tale?

Anonymous said...

I think so son. The Colonel is adept in not leaving 'living' evidence behind him. I'm the only proof of what he really does.

Anonymous said...

"The Colonel is adept in not leaving 'living' evidence behind him"
- is that implying that the Colonel 'helps' wounded men by finishing them off? I've suspected as much for quite some time

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

It's an acceptable measure and I've only ever had to do it as a last resort. It pained me to do it each time, but you must think of what would happen to the men if one wasn't strong enough to do it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember the pain I also felt when 'aiding' fallen comrades. A quick, clean death, and the promise of revenge on the perpetrators.

Anonymous said...

"I've only ever had to do it as a last resort"????? 37 times!!!???

Anonymous said...

Jesus! There's front line Marine vetrans of both Gulf wars, Somalia and Afghanistan with less confirmed kills than that chalked up.
There does seem to be something wrong there...

Anonymous said...

...and the way he double-taps them in the crotch with a slienced 9mm is quite surreal...