Wednesday, March 01, 2006

2IGTV Episode 13

In this instalment we curse unnecessarily while talking about (among other things) Sam Jackson (again), Heather Locklear (single), Paris Hilton (Mother Teresa), James Cameron's Project 880, The new Mac-Mini, MMO games (especially Jim Lee's ill conceived DC Universe one) , CBS ' new show Shark and a lengthy discussion on Battlestar Galactica (the later episodes from the end of the season which may spoil your viewing if you've not see them, don't worry we give plenty of warning) and Stargate: SG-1.

If we had left this go another day you wouldn't have the episode this week as you may have heard me coughing- the first symptoms of a deadly life-threatening virus* which has taken me down. Going back to bed now as the screen is hurting me eyes...

*(mild exaggeration)


Anonymous said...

How come I can't download this??? All it will allow me do is play it from my desktop!!

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

No, everyone can download it. What application does it play in? Try this link.

Episode 13

Anonymous said...

Its fantastic, I like the "bonus" track at the end ...
Will you be releasing a special Oscar edition shortly? Possibly as some kind of backlash against Bareback Mountain ...

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Naw! My intrest in the Oscars departed with Billy Crystal. No one can do better than him, he should not have been replaced until he's 70 or whatever.
Mark may do something for it but I'll be keeping all my 'awards' resources for "The Whopper Awards 2006".

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! It must indeed be life-threatening to put the colonel out of commission. Get well soon sir!

Anonymous said...

hang on, you got sick after going to london ? Didn't you get the Chickenpox after the last time you went abroad???are you sure this isn't some fiendish plot to rid the world of the Colonel?with some dusky fellows somwhere in th middle east saying "Dammit ah well there,s always third time lucky!" hey don't laugh it happens in NCIS at least once a season!

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

A Navy doctor did her diagnosis as well and forwarded the results to Bethesda just in case. Rest assured everything appears negative for known possible terrorist viral activity.

Anonymous said...

What doesn't kill him will make him stronger.

So I suppose I should strike now while he's in a weakened state!

Anonymous said...

If what doesn't kill him makes him stronger, then you can only fear the level of power he'll achieve after a quadruple amputation and a kidney being removed!

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Yes indeed- my brain would increase exponentially; I'd develop telekinesis and psychic manipulative abilities. I'd probably be in control of the world within 4 days.

Anonymous said...

And after the crowbar blow to the head that leaves you braindead but still alive? How much will rhis advance your powers?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think "the captain singing" is strangely hilarious?

Anonymous said...

This guy Mark is a right stupid cunt. Why doesn't the other guy bunch him??

Anonymous said...

Actually Mark seems like the clever one. Imagine what it would be like without somone in control. It'd be like this place.