King Kong
The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
Battlestar Galactica
The best think about an otherwise unremarkable, (but quite funny if only for Alan Rickman) film adaptation of Douglas Adams' The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy was the scene where they're looking at everything being constructed. It looked so rediculous but seemed so real. This award is just for that scene alone- that's how good it was.
The Nominees For Best DVD Release:
Blade Trinity: Extended Cut
Daredevil: The Directors Cut
Gladiator: Extended Edition
XXX: Xtreme Edition
The DVD offerings this year were of a very high standard, but it was the Directors Cut of

And for the final of the nominated awards I have:
The Nominees For Best Trailer:
The Transporter 2
Batman Begins
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
The Land Of The Dead
I know I'm scraping the bottom of what became a huge barrell now, (perhaps Mark was right to shoot down my awards-show idea after all) but why not an award for best trailer? Trailers play an important part in the advertising of a film and many people will base their decisions on seeing a movie, TV show or buying a game based on the trailer. The trailer which in my opinion most accurately represented the production it was advertising and made me anticipate the said production more, was the trailer for Batman Begins.
Next: (yeah there's one more next) Consolation awards and conclusions...
XXX Xtreme Edition in nominees for best DVD? With the "Death Of Xander Cage?" feature? Are you brainless?
"Poor Xander , he never had much between the ears!" thanks a lot former grunt now you've reminded me that I saw that piece of ##$% when The Col. lent me his Xtreme edition, its going to take me weeks to repress that memory now.
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