The news broke last week that Jon Favreau, the acclaimed director of both Iron Man movies will not be back for a third outing. "It's true, I'm directing Magic Kingdom, not Iron Man 3. I've had a great run with Marvel and wish them the best," he tweeted.

Fav informed Marvel/Disney of his decision last week, and since then there has been much speculation as to why. Some suggest it was Fav's pricetag which would conceivably rise to $15m from IM2's $10 together with 15% of the gross which was too much for penny-pinching Marvel. The more likely scenario however is that Fav felt that Marvel were shoehorning too much of the "Marvel Universe" into his movie already feeling by some reports that there was a bit too much "Avengers advertising" in IM2 as it stood and there was little reason to believe it would change in the wake of The Avengers movie.
Fav himself has since said that he opted to work on making Magic Kingdom for Disney rather than helm Iron Man 3 because he wished to "blow people away, which is easier to do with a project that isn't loaded with built-in expectations." I certainly can't fault him for that, I couldn't think how he could top his stellar work thus far and that burden is now lifted from him. Marvel are currently searching for a director to helm Iron Man 3 for it's May 3rd 2013 release date but one hurdle they will have to jump is Robert Downey Jr. himself. His contract stipulates that he must approve of any replacement director.
It's no secret how I feel about the Iron Man movies thus far so this news has me concerned. However since I had no exposure to any of Fav's work before the original Iron Man, and he turned out to be best man for the job; I shall reserve judgement on the director until I see the movie. Unless it's declared to be Brett Ratner at which point I'll blow my head off.
Sources: IGN / AICN / LA Times
C'Mon, Brett Rather. ;)
Ratner has a penchant for 3rd outings. He did X-Men 3 and Red Dragon [Silence of the Lambs 3] both of which he'd be forgiven for if he adds IM3 to the list.
-At least some good would come of it :)
Guns, you'd forgive the Ratner, destroyer of two successful franchises, if he brought his foul demonic touch to a third?, Why do you hate Tony Stark so very, very much?
Colonel, on another point, aren't you glad that with the appeal of "Don't ask, Don't tell", Former Grunt can be your Grunt again?. :)
Guns,I followed your link, thats one sick joke and not in the cool teenagner sense of the word "sick", you should be ashamed!, Boo!, Down with that sort of thing!.
Civvy... The "appeal" of dadt?
And as for you Guns... Careful Now.
Connie, I request a pass as I have broken right paw, it's giving me gyp and a lisp online appartently. ;)
I told you to stay out of those bar brawls the Colonel is always starting!
Sure and if you'll just have a cup of tea you'll be right as rain. Go on.
Connie, I know, I know but what could I do?, I guess the lesson here is not to accompany the Colonel to a tavern when he is only 4xp short of becoming a level 32 fighter/level 27 charmer.
I should have know what was bound to happen...
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