Joaquin Phoenix is apparently quitting acting and becoming a Hip-Hop artist [I don't make up these posts]. I have a youtube clip of an interview he did last Wednesday on The Late Show with David Letterman. It's very painful interview to watch. It's hilarious but tinged with sadness.
yawn Colonel , this is so last week, Where have you been?....actually this is a very strange case..last year while shooting his supposedly last Movie Two Lovers he told E that he was retiring from acting, he then walked off in a huff when the E reporter laughed in disbelief at this...the reporter then had to confirm this with Casey Affleck who was on set....but Casey Affleck isn't in the Movie!!! Then a few weeks ago the new Joaquin did an inpromptune rap performance at a Los Angeles Nightclub and fell off the stage...who had a full film crew there...why Casey Affleck! And on the Day of the Interview with Letterman who was backstage with a Camera Crew?Why again Casey Affleck. The Rumour is Affleck is actually working on a mockumentary about Joaquin wrecking his career by becoming a rap either Phoenix really has completely lost his mind( and that's quite possible for a man who when once interviewed started to tell the interviewer they had frogs coming out of their head!) or we are watching the performance of a lifetime and an extreme example of an actor dedicated to his work...only time will tell which is it!
yawn Colonel , this is so last week, Where have you been?
Borneo. All I'll say is Jack has finally been avenged...
Mr. Vaughan, are you saying that there is some sort of a secret cabal of lesser talented younger brothers trying to pull a fast one on the unsuspecting public?
(Takes out pipe,puts in mouth to look more intellectual)
Yes....Yes I am!
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