I guess now we know his poor mother was telling the truth?
After a week of people like me drawing attention to his shortcomings, unprecedented press coverage and especially Steven Colbert himself using Steve Martin to launch his own spoof-attack parody; Christian Bale has had enough and now apologised:
“It’s been a miserable week for me. I was out of order beyond belief, I was way out of order. I am embarrassed by it and I regret it. And I ask everybody to sit down and ask themselves, ‘Have they ever had a bad day and have they ever lost their temper and really regretted it immensely?”
“It’s been a miserable week for me. I was out of order beyond belief, I was way out of order. I am embarrassed by it and I regret it. And I ask everybody to sit down and ask themselves, ‘Have they ever had a bad day and have they ever lost their temper and really regretted it immensely?”
Full Text and Links to Audio on ISEB
I hear the guy in charge of the light on the site, kept moving the damn lights around and set Bale off.
it was the Director of Photography actually...second only to the Director in importance on any set...except this one it seems!
This is good, but not quite as good as Twink's "Zip Up Your Mickey" rant, which beg's the question, what is the best/most cringeworthy celebrity melt down/rant of all time. My vote goes to Twink as it showed what a really nasty piece of work she is behind all the fucking arse licking she does in public. We all knew Bale was a fucking lunatic well before this, he was in a Japanese prisioner of war camp as a child for Godsake!!
what are any of you talking about, anyway? I see a photo but no explanation. Am I supposed to guess?
@ Civvy: "The guy in charge of the lights"? You was never one for grandiose titles were you. I'm just glad as the Director Of Special Operations for UNETIDA I've not been reduced to "Marine who shoots at aliens."
@ Vaughan: What? Do you mean Andrew was more important on your sets than I was???
@ Cubaboy: My favourite is Ed Harris in an outtake from "The Rock" where he remains in character as Brigadier General Francis X. Hummel, USMC and chews out a member of the production staff for smoking. But it would be difficult to say which is the best celebrity rant.
@ Constance: There's a link under the picture - it's in a different colour to the rest of the text like all my other links :p
I like the :
"your a nice guy, but we're done professionally"
Frozen Peas, Always
"Next on BBC Radio 4 , Book at Bedtime, Christian Bale reads from the Little Book of Calm!"
takes eoDirectory of Phohtography actually..., Ooohw, How very "handbags at Dawn" of you! Guy who takes exception to the oddest things
The fecker was moving a light on set, unless he was a complete moron, I reckon he must have been the guy responsible for moving the the lights. So the "guy in charge of the light on the site" is a pretty accurate description of him Wouldn't you say? Incompetent Commander who gets his men needlessly killed
Now let's see if the appropriate people respond to the above descriptions.
Okay, look. I didn't click on the link because I thought it referred to the thing with Bale's mom. Been there, read that.
Bale sounds like an overly dramatic idiot. What kind of a weird accent is that, anyway?
Hey Constance, His accent is welsh, but like most people the US accent infects it...eventually.
That rant is bad, but i've seen the Colonel do worse all i have to say Colonel are the initials E D :-P
Oh! Thanks Marnie!
Around here, E.D. means "Erectile Dysfunction" Is that what the rant was about? Was it? E.D.?
Hmm... Marnie is an anagram of "Marine"... are you secretly the Colonel's C.O.?
Marnie eh?, don't know if I approve of this name change. Time will tell
Connie, No, No, I think that you'll find that E.D. stands for ED, as in the incredible talking horse Mr. ED., the Fmr.Lt.Col has been a pony fancier for years.
So Bale goes to dark places in his work, and doesn't always come all the way out? We've known about this for years, ever since he sliced up those prostitutes while making American Psycho. Hadn't heard of that one? That's because it's a true story that I made up. Or did I . . . .
Post has been updated and Bale has now apologised. All is forgiven and we can go back to loving his movies and going to see Terminator 4 - Yay!
Free publicity and no harm done, Lord Baal I mean, Bale must have a Sith Lord as an agent.
I'll couldn't do it to you Col. tempting though it is. :-) No ED is a person't initials.....up to col to tell you who... and Marnie is my name... Pint of refers to my surname... and I'm definitely NOT a marine, but CEO of the Colonel....interesting prospect... leave it with me, i'll see how many hoops i can get him to jump through. ;-}
dammit Marnie, I had him on the ropes and you just let him off the hook. Oh well.
I could never ask him to explain who E.D. is. If she causes him to be so upset, it must have been a woman he was deeply in love with but who broke his heart... I'd hate to ask and have him relive that heartbreak all over again.
Good luck with the hoops. Remember to use treats and kind words and they will behave very well.
Marnie Murphy?..., Marnie Murph!..., why thats just some rhyming cockney away from... Papa Smurph!
Civvy, you're almost there.
Connie, I concur, Smurphette was a hottie.
So, you had..."feelings" for Smurphette, did you?
Connie, Feelings be damned, Urges more like. Hey she was the only female smurph! ;)
No she wasn't!!!! You forget Sasette her younger sister. She had freckles and was a redhead. A far more likeable character than that blonde tramp Smurfette.
Fmr.Lt.Col, what's wrong with Blonde Tramps?, they've been very good to me in the past, I will not have a single word said against them.
I don't know what's funniest:
* Civilian Overseer declaring his youthful lusting after Smurfette
* Creedon's strangely intimate knowledge of the Smurf community
* Creedon's defense of Sassette, the superior redheaded Smurf
...you know what, I think I can leave it at that.
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