Naturally before the dust has even begun to fall in the wake of The Dark Knight's storm through the international box-office, Warner Brothers have greenlight a second sequel to Batman Begins currently titled The Caped Crusader. As I remarked in the comments to my Definitive Dark Knight Review, I said that I was very worried about a third Batman. And here's why--
The first choice of Christopher Nolan to play Catwoman is... CHER!
Now before you laugh and cry simultaneously- I read this in the Daily Telegraph, hardly something that has the pulse on Hollywood, and although I looked at the date to see if it was April 1st - this news isn't anywhere else originally. AICN and others read what I did so I'm officially designating this as nonsense at this point.
Right: Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman, you may need to print this picture out and stare at it instead of looking at parts of The Caped Crusader. Also, I just couldn't bring myself to include a picture of Cher on this blog.
Catwoman should be someone you want to lick out of her leather! While admittedly this wasn't Ertha Kitt in 1967 (shudder), they got it right with Julie Newmar (1966), Michille Pfeiffer (1992) and Halle Berry in 2004.
I mean seriously? Cher?! Maybe as Catwoman's GRANDMOTHER or something!!! Nolan may have redefined the iconic images of The Joker, Scarecrow and Two-Face but making Cher Catwoman would be above insane.
The first choice of Christopher Nolan to play Catwoman is... CHER!
Now before you laugh and cry simultaneously- I read this in the Daily Telegraph, hardly something that has the pulse on Hollywood, and although I looked at the date to see if it was April 1st - this news isn't anywhere else originally. AICN and others read what I did so I'm officially designating this as nonsense at this point.

Catwoman should be someone you want to lick out of her leather! While admittedly this wasn't Ertha Kitt in 1967 (shudder), they got it right with Julie Newmar (1966), Michille Pfeiffer (1992) and Halle Berry in 2004.
I mean seriously? Cher?! Maybe as Catwoman's GRANDMOTHER or something!!! Nolan may have redefined the iconic images of The Joker, Scarecrow and Two-Face but making Cher Catwoman would be above insane.
breath dude, breath!
Well well well......
Lt.Col, The thing that surprizes me the most is that you read the Daily Telegraph, isn't that a bit Tory for you?
Next you'll be admiting to having a "Margaret Thatcher" pin-up on your wall.
In the Lt.Col's own words "Politically, I'm considered a right-wing authoritarian" - why wouldn't he have a picture of the sainted Margaret on his wall :)
Sithy, She's 83!, I'd have thought he'd have a poster of Condi Rice, but if you say the Lt.Col is a gerontophile, I'm willing to take your word for it. ;)
Well, I was initially thinking of just a poster of her from when she was younger, but since you raised the gerontophilia issue, lets run with that :)
I believe the Lt.Col fell out with Condi after this
Now, now Sith. We know Whopper really stands for something else
:-p No Condi is defining the ammount of support he'll get on his next mission considering the abysmal failure of the last one!
Bravo, Sithy, Bravo. Only a Sith could have such fiendish timing. ;)
As for the Lt.Col's gerontophilia. I note, he hasn't denied it, therefore it must be true.
I formally deny the accusations of gerontophilia.
While I don't have her picture on my wall. If I was to, it would be as she was when she was in office (as I do of Regan from 1982). She was the greatest leader of Britishland since Churchill
I formally deny the accusations of gerontophilia.
Lt.Col, Why do you feel the need to deny such a ridiculous allegation?, ...,
I didn't take it seriously when Sithy first raised the issue but now that you've made the effort to deny it, well, no smoke without fire and all that. ;)
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