Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mega G.I.Joe News #2: Quaid is Hawk

I'm thrilled to announce that the legendary Dennis Quaid as General Clayton M. Abernathy, better known to the world as Hawk.

Hawk is my favourite G.I.Joe character who has gone through some pretty extraordinary evolutions in the past 25 years; beginning as a Colonel and field - commander of the Joes under General Flagg before being promoted to full commander of the unit, eventually achieving the grade of Lieutenant General before being crippled and confined to a wheelchair several years ago.

I've even adopted one of Hawk's mottos as one of my own; "Never ask of your men something you're not willing to do yourself," it's something that has served both me and my own men well as I'm sure they'll tell you.

Dennis Quaid is a remarkable actor that brings a wealth of acting talent to the role of Hawk. As someone said to me: "he's definitely got the quals", as Quaid has played soldiers, military officers, politicians, teachers, mentors and heroes; these experiences will all serve him well as Hawk.

I've also learned that the wonderful type-cast baddie Arnold Vosloo (left) will be the mysterious Zartan, master of disguise!

Quaid and Vosloo join Channing Tatum as Duke, David Murray as Destro, Sienna Miller as The Baroness, Ray Park as Snake Eyes, Rachel Nichols (right) as Scarlett, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Heavy Duty, Said Taghmaoui as Breaker, Marlon Wayans as Ripcord and Byung-hun Lee as Storm Shadow.

Watch out for more news soon!


Anonymous said...

God, this blog has become so "borriiiing", wheres has all the venom gone?, you've lost you're edge Lt.Col, it had to be said.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Screw you! Speak out of turn again and you'll get a one-way ticket to The Colonel's House Of Pain and afterwards I'll use your dead skull as an ashtray!

Anonymous said...

Feeble, the Lt.Col I know would have threatened to travel through time destroying my various reincarnations in increasingly interesting and violent fashion on the off chance that I might have buddist tendenacies. Think "Eye of the Tiger" here, you've lost your mojo, it's not a question of getting it back, it's a matter of taking it back by force of arms.

Bruce Russell said...

Colonel, I think it is time to implement 'The Civvy Protocols.' Just waiting on you to give me the high sign.

Anonymous said...

Silence "Smithers!". The Lt.Col must be provoked into being interesting again.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I don't know - I found that picture of Rachel Nichols quite 'interesting'

Anonymous said...

Touche!, Sithy, sometimes it takes an evil genius to bring some perspective and balance to the argument. ;)

Anonymous said...

Sigh, I hate to agree with Overseer or Sithy, but you have gone more bland than a bowl of custard Colonel! Spice it up a bit please! What's wrong, aren't you feeling well??? Poor thing, SNAP OUT OF IT SOLDIER!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well said Pintof "Embrace the feedback, Lt.Col bitch, Sir!