Sizemore "has been in every program, and here he is again," Superior Court Judge Cynthia Rayvis said. He "abused the privilege of probation" and "needs to be in a lockdown setting." Rayvis recommended Sizemore be sent to the R.J. Donovan Correctional Facility in San Diego County because of its noteworthy drug treatment program.
Sizemore's lawyer, Fay Arfa, argued that prison wouldn't help her client overcome his problem. She said Sizemore had "literally fallen from stardom, sitting in a jail cell by himself" and wants to recover. After the ruling, Arfa said Sizemore's legal team "will pursue our remedies on appeal."
Martin Sheen attended the hearing in support of Sizemore. "I don't think prison is appropriate for anyone who is in the grip of drug and alcohol abuse," he said outside court. Even so, Sheen said Sizemore could be successful in a prison drug rehab program.
In court papers, Deputy District Attorney Sean Carney alleged that Sizemore violated his probation by being under the influence of methamphetamine, opiates and marijuana, possessing methamphetamine and possessing drug paraphernalia. He faces up to six years in prison if convicted of all the charges.
Sizemore was convicted in 2003 of domestic violence involving his ex-girlfriend, former Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss. In October 2004, he pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance and was placed on probation. The probation was revoked in 2005 when he was caught using a prosthetic device during a drug test. His probation was later reinstated, but he tested positive for drug use last year and was given another three years' probation which he has now violated.
Yes I still want him to play me in Colonel Creedon: The Movie, but it'll take a while to get that project off the ground and he'll be out by then :)
Source: Yahoo
So what exactly about him is it that makes you want him to play you?
The drug abuse, the porn, or the Whizzinator™?!
So is my role in the "Colonel Creedon: The Movie" a supporting or starring character?
"I'm sick of your renegade ways Creedon!"
Will we be given the opportunity to see the Lt.Col's creation story, being exposed to massive amounts of testosterone whilst still in the womb, when his mother attended a Tom Jones concert. Or is that classified?
@ Sithy: None of the above. A combination of his tough no-nonsense on-screen presence with the ability to be a wise-cracking asshole. I'm thinking an amalgamation of his characters in Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, Passenger 57, True Romance and Heat.
@ Doug: It'll be a starring role as Lieutenant General Douglas Kastle, but you'll die in my arms as I scream "NOOOOOOO".
@ Civvy: Sigh. No, it won't go back that far. It'll probably open with Grenada in '83, nothing movie-worthy before that.
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