Friday, October 16, 2009

I must take my leave

...and go here for a few days. Reply/comment here with anything of importance during my absence.


vaughan said...

Hello.....helllllooooo (echoes away) good lord he really isn't here.I thought he was just bluffing.

Civilian Overseer said...

Quick Herr V, fetch some rope and some torches, We must explore the Colonel's Batcave, before he returns, in order to finds some incriminating evidence.

Perporm said...

One hopes he's performing a hit on one of the residents of the North Bank of his map ...

vaughan said...

no....still nothing!

Civilian Overseer said...

It's almost like he was expecting someone to sneak in and snoop for...., its a trap!, Quick Mr.V. get out before its, KABOOM!!!!, MR.V! NOOOOOOO!

vaughan said...

(crawls from the smoking rubble)
I knew it was a cover story...I was too late to stop him
Today Wednesday , The Death of Joseph Wiseman was announced ...Wiseman 91 was best known as......DR NO , that's right Bond's first screen adversary,a stage actor Wiseman was disdainful of the role later in his career (this was a man who later appeared in Buck Rogers.)And stated he would rather be remembered for his stage roles.(wouldn't you when you were later upstaged by a midget in a metal costume later in your career?)
I know the colonel vowed to hunt Dr No down , I kept telling him he was only an actor....but obviously some people just don't listen.....

Civilian Overseer said...

Mr.V! You're Alive!, ahem, this is a bit embarrassing..., You see, You're "alive" as in the act of not being dead. This is really inconvenient.

We've already approved the budget for the memorial..., lovely headstone and all..., It'll be bugger straightening this all out, the paper work alone will take hours, I don't suppose that... What I mean to say is, have you been feeling a little bit down lately?, if so, the memorial budget is approved and it is a rather lovely headstone after all. You couldn't possibly see your way to helping a career bureaucrat out. Theres a Fellow.

vaughan said...

The Colonel will tell you there are many headstones in Arlington with my name on.....but then again I've said too much.

Civilian Overseer said...

What You've done this before?, wasting pen pushers valuable time?! Booo!

Civilian Overseer said...

Well, I should have probably said this earlier but I curse thee with a Tax Audit!... That Headstone is kinda looking good now, isn't it.

vaughan said...

ok now I know reality is unravellng...the Obama white house , that bastion of "Democracy" tried to ban Fox News during the week from the White house claiming it wasn't a news organisation but an opinion service...the bizarre thing was that every other network came to fox's rescue telling them that this was a breach of free speech( a little admendment in the constitution) ....I know Fox are a republican news service but just how inept is a president whose white house staff who are "Liberal" decide to ban someone because they don't like what they say...hmmm I expect a full report monday from the Colonel on this bizarre situation and his alleged involvment.

Civilian Overseer said...

Sigh, Mr.V, there you go again, why don't you save both of us some time and just hand over your lunch money now before I destroy your ridiculous assertations again.

Vaughan said...

sadly they are are not assertations, there very nearly was an incident over Fox News...this is actually quite a moment because no one likes Fox and yet people were forced to defend it's rights

Constance said...

Oh, snap! Didn't Saturday Night Live like, predict this?

vaughan said...

yes but only after CNN had fact checked their sketches.

Civilian Overseer said...

Et Tu Connie?, Well I wish twins on you!.

Speaking about fact checking, heres what really happen, now pay attention Mr.V, I've broken this into really easily digestable chunks for you, so you don't have to do any thinking.

1.Executive pay czar Kenneth Feinberg was available for round-robin interviews

2.Foxnews omitted that it was the Treasury Department not the WhiteHouse that handled the Interview.

3.There was no on-the-record confirmation of the story from any source other than Fox News.

4.None of the other network bureau chiefs stepped forward to take credit for this “courageous stand,” and no other documentation surfaced to support it.

5.The Treasury Department did omit Fox News from a list of networks requesting an interview with Feinberg because Fox didn’t request one.

6.The other networks insisted on Fox’s inclusion on the basis of their mutual pool arrangement, not as some show of solidarity.

7.When the Treasury brought the matter to the White House’s attention, it was the administration who approved Fox News’ inclusion.

Game, Set & Atomic Wedgie on you, Mr V

vaughan said...

Civillian Overser in response

1.Kenneth Fienberg was available to all ....except Fox

2.Odd how it was the Treasury dept after the fiasco blew up , because the White House pool is handled by the White House one else.

3. Obviously it was Foxs fault as well two weeks earlier when President Obama did every sunday morning Newscast except Fox.. they must have forgotten to request that too.

4.When the treasury bought the matter to the White House after the story had blown up in their faces, then Fox was let in.

5.The Other networks may not have done it out of solidarity but because of Mutual pool arrangements , they still said "One Out , All out."

6.A white house spokesman did go on fomer Democratic white house spokesman George Stephanopoulis (I apologise for the spelling) ABC news programme and did warn him to heed the example of fox and go down that route.

7. The LA Times, The Washington Post and New York Times all condemned the White houses actions with Fox , this came after all three news papers were criticized for following up foxs revelations of Acorn the White House!

8.The White House have been sending out memorandums to democrats not to go on Fox news.

the truth is this is not a game , the right to free speech is vital to the American Constitution and for the Obama administration to get caught up in an attempt if not to silence a news service then to intimidate it is not only stupid in the middle of the biggest financial crisis since the thirties( and plays directly into Foxs hands, already their viewing figures have gone up 8% in one week) it is despicable and unforgiveable.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

@ Vaughan: I expect a full report monday from the Colonel on this bizarre situation and his alleged involvment.

I'm sure it was just a mis-communication, a simple misunderstanding. I mean seriously: The idea that one of the major news services would be bumped by the White House like that. Heh, if there was any truth in such things, I'd have to resign my comission in outrage and join a militia to overthrow the government :)

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

- and on the record. I was not involved in any action that would draw support for such an impartial News Network, thus proving their case that the President is allegedly a Nazi / Socialist.

Just want to get that out there.