Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Prayers Answered: The Baroness will be hot!

Earlier in the nonth it was revealed that The Baroness was going to be a major player in the G.I. Joe movie. Naturally I suggested that we pray that "they'll get someone suitably hot to wear her leather". Constance even wrote the actual prayer which you can find here.

I was pleased to discover (and thanks to my former G.I. Joe CO Douglas for another confirmation) that Sienna Miller is the first confirmed cast member and will apparently "play the film's female lead, described as a raven-haired baroness and sexy femme fatale skilled in espionage" according to Variety (from that description I'm guessing Scarlett is being sidelined).

Expect a shedload of similar G.I. Joe casting revelations between now and February.

Source: Variety


Anonymous said...

Ooh! In that case I think we should all thank Constance for the prayer yes?

Bruce Russell said...

An if Scarlett has been kicked to the curb, I guess there'll be no Lady Jaye either . . .

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

or Cover-Girl! So long as Hawk and/or the Ninjas are in it I'll be happy :)

Constance said...

Grunt, any and all appreciation gratefully accepted. Of course, it's not like they were going to cast someone who wasn't... appropriate to the character ;)

Bruce Russell said...

Ah, Cover-girl, straight from the cover of 'Fanboy Masturbation Fantasy' magazine . . .

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Shit! I missed that issue :(