In later years they've developed their very own talk show in which I've seen them reduce unsuspecting guests to sniveling wrecks, only finding their match with Brigitte Nielsen who tried to smother them both between her ample cleavage last year. Are they better than the perpetually wooden Pat Kenny? - absolutely.
Here is something from the lads that I'm sure will go down in history with the likes of Silent Night, White Christmas and Mary's Boy Child and truly sums up the evolution of our culture - I give you "There's a Dead Man Up The Chimney".
Reminds me a bit of Ben Folds' 'Bizarre Christmas Incident' from 'Maybe This Christmas Vol. 1.'
I only wish I were smart enough to make my puppets do crazy stuff like this!
An Aussie mate of mine bought Rodge and Podge's "A Scare at Bedtime" DVD and sent it to his sister a school teacher in Melbourne as an example of children's T.V. from the other side of the world. The consequences where highly amusing, my buddy's sister ended up on suspension and none of the kids could sleep for weeks afterwards. Good times. ;)
Lt.Col, when are we going to get another in the Shoots First series?
I heartily recommend their episode, 'The Golden Arse.'
@ Civvy: I have addressed the series absence tonight!
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