Yes! Permanently constipated looking video-game film-noir style action hero Max Payne is being developed for the big screen.
From Variety: "Variety reports that Mark Wahlberg is in negotiations to star in 20th Century Fox's adaptation of the popular game about a "cop who is haunted by the tragic loss of his family and has little regard for rules as he investigates a series of mysterious murders." Irishman John Behind Enemy Lines Moore is set to direct, from a script by Beau Thorne."
The original Max Payne game (and it's sequel- Max Payne 2: The Fall Of Max Payne) was received well by critics with the PC and Xbox versions both achieving a high score on most gaming sites and magazines. A BBC review said the game "is an atmospheric third-person shooter, clearly inspired by the cinematography of John Woo films and The Matrix, with captivating graphics and edgy, action sequences." and praised the graphics, game play and detail in the game.
The two Max Payne game's narratives played out as a beautifully painted graphic novel with voice overs as opposed to traditional cut scenes. Between these scenes were the game's levels and action sequences which employed a heavy use of what is now known as bullet-time.
A couple of years ago, it was believed that the developers Remedy were working on Max Payne 3 for next-gen systems but later revealed that they were working on a new title: Alan Wake instead. While no official announcement was ever made, the Max Payne franchise is considered dead, or at least dormant.
Max Payne is #5 on Colonel Creedon's Top 10 Games Of All Time list. I guess if we can't have a third game then this movie will have to do us. More news when I have it.

The original Max Payne game (and it's sequel- Max Payne 2: The Fall Of Max Payne) was received well by critics with the PC and Xbox versions both achieving a high score on most gaming sites and magazines. A BBC review said the game "is an atmospheric third-person shooter, clearly inspired by the cinematography of John Woo films and The Matrix, with captivating graphics and edgy, action sequences." and praised the graphics, game play and detail in the game.

A couple of years ago, it was believed that the developers Remedy were working on Max Payne 3 for next-gen systems but later revealed that they were working on a new title: Alan Wake instead. While no official announcement was ever made, the Max Payne franchise is considered dead, or at least dormant.
Max Payne is #5 on Colonel Creedon's Top 10 Games Of All Time list. I guess if we can't have a third game then this movie will have to do us. More news when I have it.
Mark Wahlberg, eh? I guess Neil Patrick Harris was booked . . .
I smell a big bag of flaming crap coming soon to a multiplex near you.
Here's the little ditty that unleashed Mark 'Marky Mark' Wahlberg upon an unsuspecting world. Oy . . .
Mark Wahlberg, I'm sure he'd be good at the dream sequence levels
Max Payne is a legend. Hope the movie's story is only 45minutes with the rest of it done entirely in Slow-Mo bullet-time where Payne take out an army of gangsters.
K! So he's obviously done some shit in the past but of late his performance in The Departed was ace and he carried NRA sponsored Shooter into my 5-Star territory.
Based on this evidence, I think he's earned the right to a review of the movie before condemning it.
much as I enjoyed 'Bullet Time', I always preferred switching weapons and indulging in 'Baseball Bat' time. It seemed more personal, somehow.
Sithy, got to admit Baseball Bat Time does have a certain amount of style to it. ;)
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