Thursday, June 08, 2006

Got 'im!

Was a bit busy yesterday. Target neutralized.


Unknown said...

As PRO for the Mallafornia branch of Al queda may I wish a hundred thousand curses on your american pig dog head

Anonymous said...

What took you so long?

On another point, is that a bottle of suncream the Colonel has in his left hand?, Skin Cancer Fearing Pussy!

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

@ Cubaboy: Cheers mate!

@ Overseer: No they're 8x25 Binoculars.

Anonymous said...

Colonel, you fell into my trap, who approved the budget for that rather expensive pair of Opera glasses?, thats not grunt gear!, someone's been fiddling the taxpayer again. Explain yourself.

"sniff", the pic still looks like a "Haroldo" shot to me.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

You're right. It's not grunt gear. I'm always sure that a nice slice of the special operation budget goes to me and my men for "special" gear which enables us to do the sort of jobs that one needs such "special" gear for.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I can vouch that the Colonel sees to it that we got the very best equipment especially for Black Ops which was requisitioned under the cover of "emergancy transportation fuel" & "extra rations".

Most of that same equipment was usually left behind with his men...

Anonymous said...

Guns, I think you'll find that most of that gear went to the black market instead of the black ops unit that you served with. Ever wondered why you had a cap gun instead of an M80?

Thats why those boys never made it back, dead men tell no tales and the Colonel takes no chances.

I believe the Colonel was recently asked to explain how he could afford his private beach house on what we laughable pay Colonels in the Marine Corp. His response, "Many brave men died so that he could enjoy the freedoms the others take for granted." To late I realise what he really meant.